If ur body is lean because of good genes with no issues so you don’t really need to.. How do you keep yourself motivated to increase the strength of your body and keep it healthy?

  1. Weekend ‘activities’. The thought of not being able to have fun and release some stress after a long work week keeps me going.

    Also beer.

  2. By reminding myself of all the health benefits that come with a regular workout routine. Also, you’re more likely to establish certain habits if you surround yourself with like-minded people. I pretty much always workout with my husband, which creates a group incentive where we motivate each other not to break the routine.

  3. A few reasons that keep me motivated:

    – I don’t want to go into old age having a bunch of mobility and health issues. I look at older folks and can tell who took care of their body and who didn’t.
    – I have more energy. I noticed that when I started exercising, I didn’t need as much sleep.
    – I can pretty much eat whatever I want and not worry about gaining weight. I do long distance running though so YMMV depending on the type of exercise.
    – Sex with my boyfriend is way easier and less tiring lol
    – Social validation tbh. People think it’s cool I can run really long distances and participate in races, it makes me feel like less of an NPC. I’ve also inspired quite a few people to get into running which also makes me feel really good.
    – Doing hard stuff like working out builds discipline and makes doing other hard things in life way easier.

  4. Lean bodies are a result of eating habits and voluntary/involuntary movement.

    So far there hasn’t been any good genes discovered that override lifestyle.

  5. I enjoy being active and most of my hobbies and passions involve physical activity! I also enjoy the progress and the grind behind it. My fiancé is also really fit and active so I want to be able to keep up with him so he’s kind of my external form of motivation.

    The half serious/half joking reason I started training legs and core really hard and building strength is because I have a Great Dane and he weights 30lbs more than me and I got tired of him walking me instead of me walking him so I wanted to have enough strength to be able to plant myself and keep that big boi from pulling me anything by he sees a squirrel. 😂😂😂

  6. I don’t.

    It does nothing for me mentally, which is pretty much why I started it.

    I just have someone who goes to the gym with me and would physically drag me there if I didn’t go or would be hurt if I didn’t.
    That’s my only motivation: not hurting another person’s feelings

  7. By jogging a few minutes and feeling my heart pound like it’s going insane. Makes me realize I need to work out not to look good but to feel good. Also it helps me with stress and anxiety. You can be lean and look good without working out but eventually it will catch up to you health wise if not with your looks.

  8. I don’t work out to look lean. I work out to get stronger, fitter and have more stamina for doing physical activities that I want to do. Like go on long hikes, carry my canoe, or gardening tasks like digging/shoveling.

  9. I actually just started my workout journey after not working out at all for years straight. What motivated me was thinking about how much harder it will be to move once im older and how exercise will help. Also good genes are sadly enough to just not exercise ever. I got a ring fit and the game makes it more fun to do exercises.

  10. All humans “need” to workout. If you don’t like the gym, try running or hiking or something active. Your body will thank you.

  11. My job keeps me motivated. Blacksmithing is hard work and I need the strength to keep hammering on a big blade. I may be following my girlhood dream but I need to stay physically strong to pull it off.

  12. I remind myself that my mother was the same until she hit her fifties. So I can do it now, or in 5 years time, it’s gonna be a lot more work

  13. 1- It’s objectively too beneficial for me to justify NOT doing while I can.

    2- To spite all the “beauty fades” and “you won’t look that way forever!” snide remarks. You’re right, I won’t, but chances are i’m going to maintain it far longer than you think, and probably longer than you did. And, when I inevitably do lose my figure, I won’t feel the need to project my insecurities onto younger women because I’ll know that I didn’t take my body for granted when I had it.

    3- I take adderall and if I don’t workout i can’t sleep lmao

  14. I used to work out only to stay in shape and grow a bigger butt (although I am lean and have a butt naturally). Working out only for the looks don’t give me enough motivation to stay consistent, so I mostly work out because it really improves my mental health and I feel very good after a workout

  15. Exercising regularly keeps me feeling even-keeled, helps me sleep better, and makes me more pleasant to be around.

  16. I’ll be honest – I train only to get an endorphin buzz. If I didn’t get it, I probably wouldn’t go to the gym at all.

  17. My workout goals were never related to aesthetics/looks… I want to beat averages and my personal bests, i want it to be prepared for the worst, I want to give it the best chance to live healthy and long…

  18. I’ve just made it a habit. It’s terrible but I’m on auto pilot a lot when I exercise.

  19. Because I like pole dancing and doing new things. I found an activity I love and I keep at it

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