I (14m) was in this “friend” group for about 3 years and recently left or tried to leave about 3 months ago ever since I got sober 3 months ago I tried cutting out everything that made me feel bad like my friend group, and tried turning my life around in a positive direction cutting out all negative people, I guess it worked 🤔, ever since I got sober I came out as gay and I haven’t told anyone in the friend group, everyone in the friend group started showing hate towards me because I started doing feminine thing like makeup and listing to Lana del rey, so after a few arguments I left the group, after 2 months of leaving the group one of them still wanted to play video games with me so I played video games with him, he is homophonic btw, so I tried ghosting him and blocking him but he just keeps on making new accounts and texting me on them, I genuinely feel really anxious talking to boys so I just try to block his account and ignore him because i pretty much don’t have any social skills talking to men so I just ignore him. At this point he’s getting pretty annoying because all he does is spam me all day and my anxiety is getting worse everyday for no reason so idk what to do and I don’t have the courage to text him back because of my anxiety so I’m kind of stuck on what to do.

1 comment
  1. Ghost him? No.
    Permanently cut contact? It depends.
    If he doesn’t know you’re gay, and you’re in a place where it’s safe to do so, just tell him. He may just be pretending to be homophobic because he thinks “it’s what everyone else does” without realizing he may be hurting you. Teenagers often mimic their peers, regardless of morality, because it’s their perceived norm.
    If you can’t tell him, or he knowingly harasses you for being gay, it would be absolutely fair to permanently cease contact, as long as you explain why.
    If he continues to bother you after you explicitly state that you no longer wish to stay in contact and *why* you made that decision, I’d suggest contacting a lawyer and/or getting a restraining order.

    I explained the concept of ghosting [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/15aoqlc/why_ghosting_see_definition_in_post_is_ableist/)

    Seems like a lot of people on this sub misuse the word.

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