What struggle are you facing at the moment that you feel unequipped to handle?

  1. Getting a life, spent so long just working getting successful, that it seems I’m just out of place in this world.

  2. Raising my daughter alone. It’s been smooth but many times I feel like I’m not doing good enough and not as prepared as I think

  3. Moderation, I’m 22 and yeah most things are within my control but it’s so hard to escape all the quick gratification of today’s society. I feel like my reward system is all fucked.

  4. I have a lot of time for this one, but coming from a broken household, not sure how I’m supposed to break the cycle of generational trauma with my future children.

    There are just so many damn pieces to pick up, I’m not even sure where to begin.

  5. the struggle of living on my way. dysfunctional family, mental illness, drug abuse and i’m 29 finally at the very beginning of my dream but no matter how many things i consider, i feel terribly unequipped

  6. I have been working out a lot and it has been boosting my natural testosterone and I have been feeling super sexually aroused and my wife can not match it even though she tries so it has created some arguments that I am not prepared for

  7. making it in life and trying to make enough money to be able to focus on finding happiness

  8. Life in general, honestly.

    Kinda feels like we’re all stuck pretending it’s ever really possible to have your shit together

  9. A little over a week ago someone I work for made a racist comment (I’m half black). They’ve never treated me poorly in any way whatsoever, and quite the opposite they praise my work to anyone when the topic comes up, but it bothers me to think about working for someone with those kinds of views.

    I know those views aren’t common across the whole place so it’s not like it’s a completely hostile environment.

    Additionally, my direct boss was standing there when the comment was made, and while they clearly seemed uncomfortable by it, they didn’t do anything more and acted like nothing had happened later on.

    So I don’t know. I don’t think I’m going to do anything but I feel like a bit of a traitor and hypocrite.

  10. Dating/even getting into a interesting conversation with a women. As a 32 yo late bloomer is just seem to lack the confidence and the experience to make it work.

  11. Feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. There was a time when I dreamed about being married with kids. Now that I’m at that place in my life, it still seems like a lot is missing. I love my kids more than anything. My wife and I have our good days and bad. But constantly pretending to happy feeling like any day I’m going to hit my breaking point.

    I’m not going to go out and buy a convertible or have an affair. But I feel like something needs to change for me to get out of this funk and be happy again.

  12. multiple people all wanting something from me and the expectations others put on me.

  13. I got a job in the civil service that I think needs a legal degree and I dont have one…

  14. I joined the Army because I was heartbroken over my ex
    I haven’t left yet but I’m nervous but hopefully it changes me in the right places

  15. Brother killed himself a month ago. Then my girlfriend dumped me 2 weeks later and I was so stressed and depressed and suicidal that I moved back home and yesterday my pedophile sex offender dad kicked me out of my brother’s house that I was going to live in because he owns it and I don’t want to include him in my life. I am so close to snapping and I have no idea what is going to happen when I do.

  16. Realizing I have a very stable, happy life alone and I am trying to find a way to keep that and have a relationship

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