Im interested

  1. I retired (early) a year ago and have been living off of the fat of the land (my wife’s salary).

  2. Do you gentlemen know that when questions like this are asked, they are data scraped to build a digital profile of you, the reddit user? Whenever you see these on askreddit or ask or a sub like that, and they ask, “tell me where you live without saying it” or “how old were you when this movie came out” or without any of the pretense, “how much do you make and where do you live?”

    When you answer these questions, the digital profile associated with your username becomes more robust, which is how they target ads and make money by selling your data. “They” in this case being anyone with access to the Internet.

    The question is whether OP is asking this question because they see a reddit trend, not realizing its for data scraping…OR if OP is in on it and possibly a bot account.

    In either case, if you answer questions like these, at least be aware of why they are asked. It’s not to satisfy curiosity.

  3. $60k before taxes, Houston TX. Will be moving to Boulder CO next year though if all goes to plan

  4. $92k base but about 30ish in bonuses. I’m in Denver and it genuinely feels like I’m still on the low end of incomes here.

  5. *”Men of reddit, what do you make hourly/per year? And where do you live?”*

    *”Im interested”*

    Uh-huh of course you are.

    Thieves and the IRS always are!

    Better question how much do you make a year OP?

    We’re interested.

  6. Arizona

    87k a year, but I am in negotiations for a promotion to 120k right now. We will see how it goes

  7. Normally? Around 135k without commission. With commission, I’ll pull down 208k this year. I’m in industrial sales.

    Live in Tulsa because of the low cost of houses

  8. I’m an artist in Canada and my last few years were roughly $55k, $160k, $25k, and now $60k so far this year. It’s pretty inconsistent.

  9. i pay myself around $100/hour and the rest is invested back in my business for growth right now. I am in the southeast

  10. $140k/y in a shithole mountain town in the middle of fuckin nowhere. What do I do? Get fucked in taxes.

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