I have a cousin who is 17 years old. Up until a couple of days ago, he had a (in my eyes) healthy online “relationship” with an older female that is around 31 years old. They have never seen each other and were eager to meet. Yesterday, he confessed to her that he is not 26 years old as he stated but 17.She immediately broke off all contact and has not been heard since. In my eyes it is not fair to break up everything as abruptly as a 14 years age gap for men is not unheard of, in some cases even celebrated (Leonardo DiCaprio for example). I think this is not fair. When I was a teaching assistant in a university many years ago, I studied the behavior of female specimens and nothing seemed to suggest, that they would differ with men in this regard.

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  2. HUH?! 17 AND 31 IS A CRAAAAZZZY AGE DIFFERENCE. She probably broke contact with him because she doesn’t want to catch a pedo case. I don’t know where you’re from, but in a lot of places 17 is not the age of consent. I think that was totally fair, and he should not be lying about his age online to older women, making them believe he is 20-something, instead of 17. That’s just wrong.

  3. No one celebrates leonardo dicaprio’s relationship tastes, its fucking weird.

    17 years old is literally a child, most people don’t want to date children, for a whole bunch of reasons. It has nothing to do with gender.

    Is this story about you OP? I refuse to believe that any TA at university says the phrase “female specimens” and chooses to take themselves seriously.

  4. He’s under the legal age of consent in a lot of places and he lied.

    Also, why are you trying to generalized from one person?

  5. You don’t understand why a 31 year old woman would be shocked and appalled to find out she’d been lied to and duped by a TEENAGER who it would be literally illegal for her to date in many locations? Give me a break here. Not only did he lie it was a lie that could have gotten her into massive legal trouble in addition to being a complete betrayal of her trust. He’s a high school kid and she thought she was dating a frown adult man. This has nothing to do with women having more concern with age gaps it has to do with it being disgusting to lie to someone in a way that endangers them and totally mind fucks them.

  6. firstly, people don’t want to date minors, so that’d be why she broke it off. secondly, why do you talk like a serial killer? “female specimens” why not just say women. and why not just not study them as if they are bugs. women are just people, they are not another species

  7. Yeah no shit. Women are less likely to be sexual predators, news of the century.

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