Tl;dr I (18M) am talking to a girl (18F) with CRAZY mixed signals

Yesterday I had asked her to go out on a date with me. She politely declined because she said she wasn’t working and she wasn’t going to stay up that late and I had to work. Okay. Didn’t think anything of it. Later I asked just thinking that maybe that was true if she wanted to go walk on the beach. She again declined softly and I just left it thinking that she was trying to avoid me and hadn’t tried to talk to her again. I wake up to her liking my instagram stories and asking if I work Tommorrow. Her wanting to be just friends would make sense. But then I don’t think she would wear the dresses that she does when I’m around….(they are really really short and show off a lot of breast) What should I do with a girl that is giving off this many mixed signals?

1 comment
  1. Do you know what she dresses like when you aren’t around? That could just be her style. I would take the very direct 2 no thanks as not interested and stop asking her out. At this stage she knows you are interested and could have offered alternatives if the times you were suggesting didn’t work. If that didn’t happen, I would stop asking. These don’t seem like mixed signals to me.

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