What values did you wish had been taught to you earlier

  1. Discipline, the value of being (more or less) a pacifist, and learning how to let the shit that doesn’t truly matter slide.

  2. Doing things I don’t want to do.

    In life you can’t always do whats comfortable or what you want.
    Sometimes you need to toughen up and just do it.

  3. Be kind to those that are kind to you

    Grew up hearing “be kind to your enemies” (religious upbringing) and led me to be “friends” with people that treated me like crap

  4. The concept of “good enough”. My dad raised me as a perfectionist, and all it did was give me anxiety about anything I did never being good enough. I had to train myself to say “This is fine, you worked hard and should be proud” without beating myself up all the time.

  5. There are a lot of values that should be taught earlier.

    **For some of the things that religion gets wrong I think it actually does a fairly good job at teaching the bulk amount of values but we kind of threw the baby out with the bathwater.**

    Not that I wasn’t taught good ones but just no one had ever taught me that it was good to reference them often. I wrote them down last year and refer to them almost daily now.

    Honesty (Humility)
    – I am a man who chooses not to lie when I can catch myself
    – I am a man who communicates my needs to my partner when they arise
    – I am a man who constantly strives to gain new knowledge
    – I am a man who is always [challenging my own beliefs](https://dstlld.substack.com/p/why-youre-taught-to-hate-50-of-people)
    – I am a man who will always attempt to improve in competition
    – I am a man who always says yes to adventures
    – I am a man who chooses to seek experiences outside my comfort zone
    Compassion (Empathy)
    – I am a man who chooses to listen and not interrupt people
    – I am a man who stops to help those in need
    – I am a man that gives without expectations
    – I am a man who always chooses to believe the best in people
    – I am a man that always finds the silver lining

  6. Solitude. Was FOMO for a long time. Now I really enjoy being left alone.

  7. when Jesus said “the meek shall inherit the earth” the Hebrew word translated to meek means something like those who have swords and know how to use them yet keep them sheathed. Thus the sentence I was raised to believe meant ‘the weak and harmless shall inherit the earth’ actually means something like ‘dangerous people who control themselves and choose not to use violence shall inherit the earth’

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