I (23M) have been noticing some steep mood swings from my girlfriend (F22) lately, We have been together for 4 years now and we have been living together for the past two yeats , but unfortunately those past few months have been rough for her when it comes to her period mood swings.

whenever that time of the month comes she starts feeling pain and some deep emotional instability , she really starts having these wild mood swings , like when she feels strongly on being left alone , when that happens I usually go outside for long walks and sometimes do some sports with the boys.

sometimes when I go for a workout or have a soccer match I go grab my phone to find that she called me like 7 times and when I call her back she starts crying hysterically that she really needs me there to be with her and when I say that I might have work to do or I can’t make it home soon she will scream at me that I don’t love her anymore , she feels like snuggling so bad and then 20 minutes later she just grabs her blanket and goes to sleep on the couch or even on the floor , this started to confuse me a lot lately , I have been extremely patient and understanding and I truly relize what periods can do to some women , but it’s crazy to me how diffrent she behaves when she is on her period compared to her extremely reasonable and mature self the rest of the month.

I love this woman to death and I don’t want to upset her in any shape or form , but I also don’t want to destroy my schedule and social life , especially since I work 9 hours 6 days a week.

I need help on how to approach my girlfriend’s mood swings during her period ?

  1. Nobody I’ve dated in the past has acted like this when on their period. This sounds like a medical condition. Look up PMDD

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