When you guys hear “East Coast”, do you think of the entire eastern coast of the US or do you think of the northeast?

  1. When I moved from North Carolina to the midwest, I was surprised to learn that many Americans don’t distinguish between the East Coast and the southeast. From what I understand, the Chesapeake Bay marks the distinction.

  2. As the great geographer Brian Wilson once wrote: “Well, East Coast girls are hip,
    I really dig those styles they wear.
    And the Southern girls, with the way they talk,
    they knock me out when I’m down there.”

    The South and the East Coast are different places.

  3. I’m guilty of saying I’m from the ‘East Coast’ even though I grew up 2 hours from the ocean.

  4. DC up to Maine.

    The term “East Coast” is a cultural distinction more than a literal geographic one, and New York city is more culturally similar to Philadelphia and Boston than it is to Orlando.

  5. North East. Can’t say I’ve ever heard someone say “East Coast” and mean anything south of DC.

  6. If it’s part of the continental US and it touches the Atlantic Ocean, it’s the East Coast to me.

  7. The northeast. I would expect “eastern seaboard” or “Atlantic coast” for the entire coast.

  8. The whole east coast. There’s New England and The South, but both have members on the coast.

  9. You may say we’re weather martyrs
    But snow and ice makes us rock harder
    Punkers should be pale and pasty
    The pizza here is fierce and tasty

    East coast!
    Fuck you!
    East coast!
    Fuck you!
    East coast!
    Fuck you!



  10. Most think of the northeast. My mom is from “the east coast” south of the Mason-Dixon line. I would use East acoast to explain why she always dropped me off at events overdressed.

  11. BosWash Megalopolis.

    Further south and you’re in the, well south. Further north is possibly an extension of the East Coast, but not quite the part.

    However, the Eastern seaboard stretches from Maine to Florida, but that’s more geographic than cultural.

  12. St Augustine to Bar Harbor. It’s where all the cool forts protected our great colonies. Plus, it’s been the purveyors of our ships for centuries now.

  13. Maine to Florida. Anyone with an atlantic beach.

    Northeast is a subset but also includes states that don’t touch the ocean.

  14. Whole East Coast, otherwise I don’t know why you wouldn’t just say Northeast or New England, etc. if you want to refer to a specific region.

  15. Entire East coast. But usually in the contexts I hear it in with local people it’s meaning northeast

  16. The whole length of the east coast. Including the gulf coast of Florida, even though that’s pretty clearly incorrect.

  17. the entire eastern half of the U.S. is what I picture. alot of people say East Cost and mean like ohio, Kentucky, or like the eastern half of “the midwest”

  18. Definitely the northeast. Anything south of Maryland on the eastern coast of the US is “the south.”

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