What are the ups & downs of being in a relationship VS being alone?

  1. In a relationship, there is always a negotiation about how you spend your time. You are not the final word on your free time.

    Alone, you rule your free hours. But, also alone, you are dealing with loneliness and having to work to get together with friends or dating more. It isn’t built in to your life.

  2. Really depends upon the relationship you find yourself in and at what stage you’re at but here’s a few…


    1) You feel loved.

    2) You feel important to someones life.

    3) You have someone to share things that make you happy with.

    4) They can give you new perspectives on things, helping you grow and change.

    5) Sex


    1) You now have to consider the other person for decisions you are making.

    2) You have to sacrifice time you would have allocated to other things in your life to do things that make them happy.

    3) No 2 people ever mesh 100%. There is going to be conflict and if you want to stay in that relationship you need to work on your skills resolving it, and resolve those conflicts.

    4) Sometimes people grow apart. With every relationship there’s a chance it won’t make it. So just by being in one you put yourself at risk of heartbreak and pain later on down the road.

    5) You will not like every part of your partner. They will probably do things that annoy you. You’ll have to live with those things to stay in the relationship.

  3. If you’re in a good relationship, It’s better than best situation of being alone.

    If you’re in a bad relationship, It’s wors than worst position of being alone.

  4. Ups are:

    A lot of sex with very little boundaries.

    Always having someone to talk to.

    Being viewed by society as more “correct” because you have someone.

    Downs are:

    Less time

    No freedom

    Person always trying to rule over you and tell you what to do

    Less money for yourself and the things you enjoy

    Always having to constantly walk on eggshells so you don’t “upset” the other person.

    Always having to tend their emotions and yours go in the back of the closet.

    Always having to do what they enjoy and seldom what you enjoy because it’s not what “they” do.

    A lot less time with your boys because they have issues thinking you’re constantly cheating.

    Can’t just walk out whenever you like. They worry about you being out too late or whatever.

    Can’t speed or ride a motorcycle because you “might get hurt”.

    They eventually cheat anyway and you have to restart at home.

  5. Lack of freedom? I don’t get this are you people with massively controlling people? You should have freedom WITHIN a relationship wtfff

  6. Relationship positive :

    * Consistent sexy time
    * Shared finances down the line
    * Companionship

    Alone Positive :

    * Financially cheaper to a degree
    * Freedom of Mobility

    Relationship Negative :

    * More expensive to a degree
    * Less freedom of Mobility
    * Requires comittment

    Alone Negative:

    * Less consistent sex
    * ~Half as much buying power as compared to established relationships
    * Usually lacking on connections


    There’s obviously more for each, but these are the ones off the top of my head

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