I was in a long distant relationship with this guy and it wasn’t until after the breakup that (and I had to discover this because he couldn’t care less to tell me) that all the selfies, photos of his cat, cars etc were all fake.

On top of that, he was very secretive. I mean, I would talk about my day in detail but when it was his turn it was either a sentence or two and nothing more.

He’s never shown me his place (that he claimed I’d stay at with him when I move to Japan), never mentioned me to his friends and when I did (this one time I had a conversation with him about my friends knowing a bit about him) he once said under his breath “no don’t do that”…

He used to brag about having so much money that he would help me move from the UK to Japan and find work. Even went to great lenghts to plan this with me.

Only after his uncle and pet cat passed away that he switched to an a**hole and treated me like a stranger you really don’t want to be around with and so can be harsh.

He even went as far as to say to me “maybe if I change my mind I’ll send you a request by the end of the year”

Just like that, thrown away.

And not long after he hooked up with someone.

tl;dr I put effort into a relationship that was built on lies.

1 comment
  1. So…he was a catfish. Just be happy he never asked you for money (he didn’t, right?). It’s was just some online stranger. Don’t dwell on it.

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