1,5 week ago I said a girl about my feelings, and asked her “is it mutual? If no just say me that” and she said ok, but she doesn’t answer me yes or no. But If I message her, she always answer.
I know what with big procent, that mean what she doesn’t like me, but If that true, why she doesn’t just will say no me and I just go forward, knowing what my feelings not mutual.

  1. Lots of people have a hard time just saying “I don’t feel that way,” especially when they’re young. It’s usually better (and less fraught) to just ask someone on a date than to make some kind of confession about feelings. People mostly have an easier time declining dates, and if someone doesn’t want to go on a date then you know they don’t feel the same way.

  2. She’s avoided giving you an answer, which is known as a soft no. She’s not interested in you romantically.

  3. It is easier to know directly but anything that’s not an enthusiastic yes is a no. As annoying as it is, there are cues that indicate interest. If they don’t communicate, you’ve done what you can and have to move forward

  4. Well, here’s a question OP..

    Do you guys currently hang out often (or at all)?

    If yes, losing your friendship is likely the reason why she doesn’t want to respond.

    She feels when she says “no”. You will no longer hang out or be her friend.

    Which is your choice, there is no right answer in regards to your keeping that connection with her.

    If no, she simply isn’t wanting to hurt your feelings directly.. So a “soft no”, is her way to let you know she isn’t interested.

  5. I think that the comments from Samuel13 have confused you. Its too late for you to ask her on a date now as she’s made it clear she’s not interested. She could have replied to give you an answer but instead said “ok”. So I’d leave it it’s not mutual

  6. You shouldn’t tell a girl your feelings until it’s ridiculously obvious that she’s crazy about you.

  7. >why she doesn’t just will say no me and I just go forward, knowing what my feelings not mutual.

    Why do you care? Whatever is, is.

    There is no STEM-like formula for humans where you insert variables and then get exact and always replicating answers. I guess what I’m saying is that you shouldn’t try to make sense of humans, in particular when they are female.

    As you correctly stated, she probably doesn’t like you that way. Go next.

  8. No answer is an answer.

    If it’s not a “hell yes”, it’s a no.

    Indecision is also a decision.

  9. I imagine you’re young so let me give you the best possible advice you can get.

    If it’s not an enthusiastic yes, then it’s a no. Move on.

    Do not waste time chasing the ones you want. Spend your time with the ones who want you.

    Build your own life. Make it a good one that people want to be a part of and they will come to you.

  10. Actions speak louder than words.

    First of all, not all people are comfortable with sharing their emotions and you should be respectful of that. If she continues to answer you and want to see after you shared with her your intentions it can mean that she sees a potential but she’s still not sure. So give her some time and stop asking her if she likes you, she will show you or tell you when she’s ready.

    Secondly, to keep asking if she likes you will make you seem desperate, you asked once, don’t need to ask again. Show her with your actions that you like her and she will reciprocate when she feels like it. It’ll make you seem more confident if you act instead of talking.

  11. You put all the pressure on her. Even if she did like you, you made it her decision in totality and that’s not cool. You shouldn’t have been so direct and then tuned the spotlight on her. That’s why she didn’t answer.

    There are much better and more subtle ways to find out the answer to the question. You’ll come across way more suave and sophisticated in doing so.

    Lessons for the young man.

  12. Move on man. The best thing you can do is try to be normal around her and never mention it.

  13. She’s not interested and feels bad about rejecting you, so she’s giving you a soft no.

  14. She is not into you and girls do that because they want to avoid the awkardnesss and hope that you will just move on and leave them alone. She doesn’t like you.

  15. I knew a girl once like that, instead of just saying no so i can move on with my life, she answer like her, at the end i got sick of it of being treated like a friend when i made it clear from the begining that i liked her, so confronted her and ended it.

  16. Maybe she doesn’t feel the same or she’s unsure. If you want to know for sure or get some clarity ask her “How do you feel about me?” If she doesn’t give you a clear answer maybe she’s thinking about it – don’t have to ask her out, maybe ask her to meet up in a group gathering/party. Like hangout as friends. However if she clearly says she doesn’t feel the same, don’t pursue her any further.

  17. I know it’s kinda uncomfortable, but you and me know that’s a no. Just don’t put more thought and energy on this and move on to find someone else. You can’t afford getting hurt every time you get rejected bro.

  18. I’d take it as a no if she never answered. She could have just told you she did not feel the same way. I mean it’s better than no answer.

  19. You’re being needy, instead embrace energy, don’t give chance to people who don’t crave you, don’t chase, match energy, match effort, respect yourself, don’t allow anyone pity you, show yourself and rest of the world you don’t need anyone and you’re content with being alone and still be happy. Needy and desperate guys are source of food for toxic, codependent, manipulative, entitled, narcissistic, disrespectful, useless women, please don’t simp and don’t feed that network anymore. There are women out there that solved their confused frustrated entitled emotional problems and are emotionally available for an adult relationship.

  20. If she isn’t being detailed then dip on that bs man. If you feel like your point didn’t get across to her or she’s confused, give her full context about how you feel about her and leave it at that. If they care, then they’ll reciprocate. If not then keep fishing bro

  21. Yeah, that would be a no.
    In the future, instead of just spilling your feelings on someone and hoping that they feel the same way with no plan on how to proceed forward, might I suggest asking them out instead? It works way better.

  22. She’s not telling you no to let you down easy. She’s placed you in the friends zone by answering your texts and she’s hoping you get the message.

  23. If she’s ignoring you it means no, she’s not worth your time if she doesn’t even have the character to tell you straight up that she’s not interested

  24. If a woman likes you, she will let it be known. Never ask a woman for Validation. In your case, you asked and didn’t get a response. Now completely move on and do not give her any more attention. Work on you (Fitness, Money, and social value). Find a male mentor that can coach you on women. Good luck King.

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