I just saw someone being targeted and humiliated just for posting a picture on glowup reddit she just had posted some pictures with her tongue out and had an only fans link in her account .

  1. There’s no universal truth to this. I wouldn’t give a shit about someone I was dating selling nudes, but for other people that would be an automatic deal breaker – it could even be a deal breaker for some people if it was something that USED to happen.

    Nobody is right or wrong here and that’s why honest communication is important and respecting people’s preferences is important.

  2. Your title and post body are really two different questions. I would say its far more likely that she was targeted because people dont like people advertising their shit on platforms they frequent.

    Its like if someone posted a link to their American themed youtube channel in this sub, while I dont have a problem with the subject matter, I would definitely to tell them to fuck off with the advertisement.

  3. I would say casual sex work like OF, while still stigmatized, is less so nowadays.

    The overall culture about nudity with Millennials/Gen Z is less prudent than it was for previous generations.

  4. In which country/society is OnlyFans content considered a desirable/moral/acceptable career? If not here, then where?

    The fact that so many people make money this way tells you there’s *some* acceptance. Not only are they creating the content, but there are people paying for it. Would a person be comfortable dating someone who makes money this way? Introducing them to their parents and being completely open about it?

    As with many things, we’re an enormous country who has millions of people who are strict Mormons or Roman Catholics or Muslim or Southern Baptist and we have millions of people in the LGBTQ community and we have millions who are none of the above, will those sides ever meet? No.

    I don’t think there are many places where there’s widespread/marjority acceptance of what’s tangentially sex work.

  5. Only for dating, at least for me. I don’t oppose doing it, and I’m a big supporter of “Get that bag,” but I also like monogamy

  6. Yes. For me it’s not so much the immoral nature but 90% of the women that post in mundane subs are simply doing it as onlyfan ads. More of the saturation of scumbag marketing than the actual faux sex work. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s a coincidence they just happen to also have an OF. Also the part where they loathe their customers is pretty shitty. And the likelihood it’s bot posting for them.

  7. I don’t like people advertising their only fans on subreddits I frequent and have left many of them where it’s becoming more common. . I personally would say anything to her about it, but I know it annoys plenty of people.

  8. To answer your title, yes.

    To respond to your post, people are sick of these girls advertising their page on every single subreddit.

  9. Depending on the content, I would view it much the same as posing for Playboy 50 years ago. Women get trafficked into OF accounts, as well.

  10. All sex work is traditionally viewed with disdain here and working on OnlyFans is only *slightly* viewed less negatively than porn or prostitution.

  11. Immoral? No. But it’s not unlikely that most people may be put off by that sort of thing.

  12. The text and body of this allude to two different questions… but I would say people do look down on it. Not that it’s a good thing people get upset over, but they do nonetheless.

  13. I could care less what people do as long as they stay away from my 83 year old father who doesn’t understand any of it and thinks he is helping some poor young woman in need. It’s infuriating.

  14. Yes to the first question, second depends on the person. If you’re an OF girl on twitter or IG you gonna get cooked lmao

  15. Notwithstanding the more progressive beliefs towards sex in the current generation, sex workers absolutely still have a stigma.. at least when it comes to romantic prospects. For better or worse, many people aren’t interested in having a serious relationship with someone that sells sex online or in person.

  16. > Do people look down upon women who work on only fans?

    Some people do, sure. Especially if your professional or social circle is socially conservative, expect professional and social ramifications if they find out about it. But many people don’t, and generally professionally or socially progressive circles wouldn’t care.

    > Is it considered immoral culturally?

    The US is a hodgepodge of different cultures. Some consider sex work immoral and others don’t. Unlike some other countries, though, there are no *legal* consequences even among communities that find it immoral. But you could imagine some worst case outcomes like losing your job, since private at-will employment is the norm in the US, and there have been one or two publicized cases involving school teachers outed. It’s really hard to stay a teacher when half of the students (and some of the parents) come armed each school day with a fresh take on their teacher’s latest performance.

    > I just saw someone being targeted and humiliated just for posting a picture on glowup reddit she just had posted some pictures with her tongue out and had an only fans link in her account .

    Some people post on Reddit as a subtle form of advertisement. Their posts can be on-topic but just serve as enticement for people to click into their profile or posting history and then make their way to their web site, where the author hopes to convert them into paying subscribers. This happens often enough that people on Reddit can get hostile about it, since it’s basically a form of inauthenticity.

    I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here, but it could be a better explanation for the behavior you’re seeing that doesn’t really have anything to do with outrage about the immorality of it.

  17. Of course, they’re prostitutes. What’s worse is they act like it’s some noble and empowering profession.

  18. I’d say taboo, maybe trashy, I wouldn’t really consider it immoral though, it’s their bodies. Others likely would though, especially those who are in older generations or are religious.

    As others have said, people don’t like ads.

  19. Many subs about sharing pictures of yourself have rules against advertising Only Fans because if they don’t, those are the only posts that get seen, because the person in the photo is often more attractive than the average poster and their camera is higher quality, so they get more upvotes, and because they’re spammy.

    Budding content creators are often desperate for exposure, so they post their pics on any sub that’s even remotely relevant. Sometimes using bots. And we hate bot posts.

    So even if a user isn’t actively linking to her OF in a post, if people go to her profile and the entire thing is selfies and links to her Only Fans, that’s not much different.

    I won’t say *no one* considers it immoral. There’s a very vocal subsect of reddit who acts like women who do onlyfans are subhuman. But for the most part, the backlash is against the spam. Not the NSFW content

  20. I would say it depends on your values.

    I am a woman and myself as well as virtually everyone (male and female) I know oppose this lifestyle and do not see it as positive for our society. But I’d say there are plenty of people with different leanings from me that support and celebrate it in both ends of the transaction.

  21. I think the resentment comes from the fact that most girls who do only fans spam their links everywhere(insta, dating sites, Twitter, etc)

    It’s even more annoying when you talk to a girl on a dating app for like a day or 2 and then randomly starts telling you to sub to her only fans. Shits annoying af

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