How common are natural gingers/redheads in the US?

  1. We are about 5% of the general population.

    However, if you look at areas in the US that have predominately Irish, Scottish, or Nordic immigrants, it’s closer to 13%.

    We are a tiny group. But, we are proud.

  2. The person above probably has it right but I heard 2 to 3 % but that’s only for TRUE Gingers like comedian “Carrot Top” Of course it’s going to be higher if you include people like me that have blond hair with a slight red tone to it who have “reddish” hair but nowhere near a true Ginger. Interestingly Scotland has the highest percentage of Gingers at rates estimated as high as 13%

    FUN FACT Even though “Red 🔴 Hair” is technically Orange 🟠 the English language had no word for that specific colour Orange 🟠 till actual Oranges 🍊 arrived! The reason is that color was rare enough in nature not to be given a name as it’s so rare to see Orange in vegetation in the British Isles.

  3. I have about 5 current friends that are naturally red head. I myself have a ginger beard but blonde hair. All throughout my life I’ve had at least one redhead friend. So, from my perspective, pretty common

  4. About 5% of the general population, and 100% of the first woman I truly felt love with.

  5. The USA is home to the most gingers on earth in absolute numbers and percentage wise hovers around 5% or so. Scotland has a higher percentage at nearly 15%.

    Source: dad’s side is loaded with them which includes my brother.

  6. 75% of my household is either redheaded or left handed. We’re beating the odds over here.

  7. Idk I am friends with lots of gingers for some reason there’s a lot in California

  8. I have no idea about the %, but apparently, everyone else knows.

    My mom is a natural redhead, my cousins on my dad’s side and their mom, my best friend, 2/4 children of a close family friend, my childhood friend (though she grew out of it by 14 or so) and I probably know more if I actually sat down and thought about it.

    I do live in an area, though, that has a lot of Irish/Scottish descendants

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