Hello I’m (25f) having a little bit of trouble figuring out my sexuality.

I don’t really like sex for me is just like “meh”. I’m bi/pan and I can get sexually aroused by people but in the moment of action I’m like ” why do people like this?”. I have only tried with men for the moment, someday I want to explore more variables.

But yeah, for now I just don’t like sex, I have tried to like it but I’ve never reached an orgasm nor I was aroused in the moment of the act.

I can have pleasure and orgasms by myself watching porn. I thought that my problem would be related to taking antidepressants for 10 years but when I do it myself I feel pleasure. I don’t have as much libido as before.

I haven’t been active until I was 19 so I haven’t experienced sex without any antidepressants. I take 20mg of scitalopram.

I don’t know If I’m really asexual or it’s just my medication fucking me over

( I don’t have any significant sexual trauma)

Does anyone have the same problem?

  1. You’re not asexual, there’s a high chance there might be something physically wrong with you such as a hormonal imbalance or, like you mentioned a side effect from the antidepressant you take, that have a REAL potential of lowering libido.

    More important, if you eat sugar, gluten, sed oils, bad, ultra processed food (standard American diet), don’t exercise and most likely don’t take sun daily, it’s no wonder you have no libido. Fix your lifestyle first, go to a doctor get your hormones checked (D3 as well), and go to the gym, lift some weights, take sun, supplement magnesium, etc.

    Btw, depression itself lowers libido and sexual drive, so you really gotta treat the cause of all your problems and fix your health

  2. It’s definitely the antidepressants loss of libido is a common side effect

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