I find myself feeling sad/bad that I’m not staying out. For example I went out to a comedy show yesterday which finished around 10pm. After I didn’t know what to do so I just went home. However when I check social media I see ppl all still out past 12 which makes me feel like I’m wasting my youth but not being out. I know this is irrational but how do I combat this feeling?

  1. Dont pressure yourself. Do what you feel like doing. imho you are not wasting your youth.. Just because People go out shouldnt mean its the only normal thing to do. Im sorry im struggling with the exact same thoughts and I don’t know how to erasse that feeling… Stay strong

  2. It sounds like you went out for the amount of time you wanted to be out. If you want to stay out drinking, you could. You could also watch tv in bed for a bit, get a good night’s sleep and have a nice productive morning tomorrow. Both options are valid. You should do what works best for you.

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