Hi.. I have a friend who has a good heart? but is triggering me with how she manages her dogs.. she has several and most of them run free with the other neighborhood dogs; occasionally one will get run over and she gets mad at the speeding car instead of that she allows the dogs to run free -and then she gets another dog.. today I’m struggling to not be triggered bc she just told me her latest (young) dog is pregnant “again”
The context is, this will be the dog’s second litter this year.. also even though my friend has access to free neutering (both thru the tribe AND the town’s Humane Society) she never gets around to it and/or cites prejudice from the animal clinics
A few months ago my friend told me this particular dog was involved in killing a cat, wanted to get rid of it, and said the Humane Society said they would likely just euthanize it, which I couldn’t believe but I called them myself and found that’s true.. so basically my friend just feeds the dog while being emotionally detached from it
So I don’t know what to do or how to deal with this.. my background is that if you have a dog/cat, then you love it like a family member, you don’t let it roam free and take chances with survival and have random litters, y’know????
On the one hand, it’s NOMB about someone else’s petcare but on the other hand it seems to me like neglect??
What should I do?? SHOULD something be done???

  1. It’s up to you of course but I would distance myself from this sort of friend. It’s depressing to read, I can’t imagine hearing about it all the time.

  2. My parents let a dog run free, he got into a fight with stray dogs and got seriously injured. You’re right to be appalled. Maybe confront her about it.

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