I broke up with my girlfriend back in August 2022.the relationship was approximately 1.5 years and I knew her for around 1.5 more years. We had extensive fights because i bottled up stuff because of lack of communication and a lot of sexual and emotional incompatibility. We fought over for around 3 months and she asked me for a chance and i could never gave it to her because of all those reasons. I knew that the story won’t end differently. I came into a new perfectly fine healthy relationship in Feburary where i felt validated and accepted for my feelings and i felt happy. But my ex kept contacting me and having severe depression which I could not see but I couldn’t give her another chance. A month back she kissed me and we got sexual while being drunk. And i broke up with her the next morning and moved on with my life. But after a month we had contact again and i feel guilty for not giving her a chance. But she has moved on and doesn’t wish to give me a chance. I am torn and fucked because I am not ready to leave my current relationship. And as a guy i don’t have a good grasp over feeling stuff. I cannot move on. I know that relationship was toxic but i just can’t move on. I started having panic attacks and i abused substances because I was not able to cope with this and i am seeking for some help. What should I do emotionally and physically to get better and finally sort this situation out.

What can I do to help myself in this situation and feel better?

1 comment
  1. Wait, so the storyline is: you two broke up, you didnt want to give her a chance, then she moved on, and now she doesnt give you a chance ?

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