For one, women usually send “hey” as a first message on dating apps, but God forbid men do the same thing.

  1. Interestingly, there is an article on Bumble teaching men how to respond to “hey” but not one teaching women how to write a better opener. The Bumble executives know damn well expecting women to actually make the first move is like expecting the sun to move from west to east.


  2. Commenting on new style or looks. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I get a haircut or try a new facial hair style and women have said things like “oh no, shave that off, it does NOT look good” or “you definitely looked way better before that haircut”. Then the same women will flip their lid on their husband if they don’t notice a haircut they got and immediately tell them how good it looks. Funny thing is women tell men we have fragile egos but they can’t handle being told their hair doesn’t look amazing lol

  3. Complaining about gender issues, when women complain about it, people listen, when men complain about it, they are told to stop being such a wannabe victim.

  4. Judging physique, it seems socially acceptable, especially shaming men about their height or the size of their penis. But turn the tables, and mention anything about a womans physique, even if they can control that (weight), and all hell breaks loose.

  5. Having standards. Women frequently rattle off the laundry list of boxes that men need to check. This ranges from income, career path, age, physique, political affiliation, religious affiliation and so forth.

    But when men say they don’t want to date single moms, they’re somehow being unreasonable.

    If it wasn’t for double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

  6. Just being low effort in general. They seem to think they’re presence is enough and don’t actually participate.

    Pinching butts, dirty jokes, generally sexual harassment.

    Telling someone to shut up in meetings because of their gender. At one company the COO tried to tell men we had to wait until all the women spoke “to make room for women”. She was openly sexist against men. And our weakling CEO wouldn’t fire her.

  7. Have friends of the opposite sex.
    Women are allowed to have guy friends and hang out with them and if you are against it you’re just insecure but god forbid we are caught talking to another girl.

  8. Complete disregard of our emotions. Been told I can’t be mentally struggling because I’m a man and my life is perfect.

  9. Talk shit about immutable body parts. Women trash dicks all day long, which are immutable, but can’t handle criticism over shit they CAN change like weight and being a shitty person in general.

  10. Compliment their mustache. Didn’t know you weren’t purposely going for that look, Frida.

  11. Allocate stereotypical jobs like mowing or repairs to the man even saying that is man’s work.
    I can’t even imagine trying to do that with something like cleaning or changing a nappy

  12. Being told what to wear.

    I fully understand that women don’t want to be told that skirt is too short or that sweater makes you look frumpy.

    But my god, women are quick to say that men shouldn’t wear short sleeve button downs or cargo shorts or how terrible it is when men wear nail polish etc

  13. Hold them accountable for shit that happens in dreams.

    My wife was once mad at me for two days because I let a door slam in her face… in her dream.

  14. Women frequently trauma dump, yet won’t accept anything like it from men. Some women have told me pretty early on that they’ve been raped, and I listen and sympathize, because that’s terrible and no one should have to experience it. But if I tell them I’m going through a rough time, they tell me that they’re not my therapist and I should stop expecting them to do emotional labor.

    It could very well be the case that women expect men to be the emotional rock so they can express themselves. But this radically opposes what they tell us, that men and women have the same psychologies and that when we don’t open up, we’re displaying toxic masculinity. Do women want us to call them on their bullshit here? I really can’t make sense of what they’re doing unless they’re doing some sort of shit-test to see if we’re actually mentally strong. Another part of me wonders if they really don’t understand the contradictory shit that they’re throwing on us, but then I wonder how half the population can be so stupid that they don’t recognize their own toxicity.

  15. Market themselves, while dating, to collect as many suiters as possible for the monkey branch potential.

  16. Interrupting and explaining… i.e. mansplain. I’ve never met a woman who wasn’t constantly behaving this way. Way more than any man I’ve known.

  17. Touch. If a girl likes you she might touch your arm or something but if you would do thst to a girl? You are a creep.

  18. Unsolicited advice or opinions, proclaiming their dating standards like demands, leaving you on read, ghosting you, “mansplaining” (especially when it comes to things women assume men are bad at. Idk how many times women have felt the need to overexplain my own emotions to me. It’s incredibly patronizing. And then they have the audacity to call this act “mansplaining”), leading men on and assuming guilt first (was just the other day I over heard women saying “yeah so I know I don’t like him but I guess like…why should I tell him? That’s not what a mane would ever do. I’ll just keep having fun with him. He makes good money.”)

    That’s just to name a few.

    Frankly this is more of a people thing though people tend to give themselves a pass on behavior or be blind to it, while demanding perfect morality from everyone else.

  19. *”What is something women often do to men but complain when men do the same thing?”*


    Now onward to the next post question!

  20. Objectify their physical looks. Criticize their physical looks. Make surface level assumptions and decisions about people based on their physical looks.

  21. Disregard men’s experiences. Oh that women reacted negatively when you opened up? You must have trauma dumped/women aren’t your therapist (yet men are expected to be theirs). Oh some woman made a false accusation against you? I’ve never known any woman to do that so you must be lying. Oh a woman rejected you over height/only wanted you for money? Once again I’ve never done nor seen it so you must be lying. You fear being baby trapped because it happened to someone you know? Keep it in your pants (literally the male version of close your legs.

  22. Refusing to call out other women for bad behavior. In most cases I’ve seen them rush to defend it.

  23. Literally everything,

    Ask any guy what are the repercussions of telling a woman No when she wants sex and you don’t. I could go on

  24. * Continue friendships with members of the opposite sex who like them
    * Get angry when you don’t accept their advances
    * Get angry when you can’t help them
    * Get angry when they’ve made a mistake to force you to apologize

  25. Lots of anger in this thread, which is a natural reaction to abuse. Fellow men – let’s collectively stop tolerating the shitty behaviors mentioned here. Solid and respectful women do exist, but you’ll never find them if you tie yourself to one of the bad ones. It’s far better to be single than to be abused.

  26. “Mansplaining”.

    Ex: Explaining to someone why having 16k since their last oil change is bad vs. Them explaining why I need to moisturize my face.

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