I (F21) think of myself as pretty experienced for someone my age. I’ve slept with 30+ people, and have been in 4 serious relationships. I’ve always been very confident in bed, and all of my partners have told me good things, and have asked to see me multiple times after the first time.

I recently started seeing a new guy, and he said I was the second best he’s had. This just doesn’t sit right with me and I want to know what I could do to be better.

1 comment
  1. First, being “good” often comes down to the chemistry you have with the other person, and being physically or technically skilled is only part of that. So with that in mind, it’s possible that there’s nothing ‘right or wrong’ that you’re doing for him to have that opinion of you.

    With that said, it’s a bit shitty for him to compare you to someone else like that; even it’s in the context of a backhanded compliment. Yes, partners can be considered ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but sometimes it’s like art or music: different people like different things.

    So don’t feel like there’s anything you need to do to be better. You could ask him if that’s a road you want to travel, otherwise you” have to seriously consider whether he’s someone you want to see a second time.

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