How did sex toys affect your relationship, long-term?

  1. Wowza! Added spice and variety. After 42 years I’m amazed at the things I never knew about my wife.

  2. They help A LOT. I’ve never been able to orgasm from penetration and it’s hard for me sometimes anyways so a vibrator helps. My husband will go down on me sometimes but it’s always pre sex and I like to orgasm after sex (idk why it’s like a mental block). He almost never does it after… or I start to feel guilty when he’s down there like I’m taking too long. So vibrator it is.

  3. Going against the grain, but sex toys aren’t for me. I find that using any vibrating toy makes it impossible for me to finish from anything a partner would do. I never really see women discussing it, maybe out of denial, but we get desensitized the same way men can from masturbating too rough and dry. If you consistently use sex toys and then question why you can’t finish with a partner, you probably have your answer. I personally prefer the manual route in sex and masturbation.

  4. They can make sex more fun and enjoyable when used in the right context. Sometimes I prefer good old fashioned acoustic sex tho

  5. We’re both into kink so toys literally make up our bedroom life. It’s not that we can’t have fun without them but it’s just what we both love.

  6. My gf loves em. Makes my life easier and gives her way better orgasms. She still loves fingerings and being eaten out but overall great. She’s happy, I’m happy.

  7. Positively. Most are fun, some are stupid. But even with the stupid ones, it’s fun to try them together.

  8. My partner and I literally met because of sex toys (I am a sex journalist and the first thing we bonded over when we met on Twitter was a sex toy review I’d written that they enjoyed).

    Toys have also been a huge part of our sex life together and have massively increased the pleasure, intimacy, and adventure we’re able to achieve together.

  9. My personal preference is not to use them, so they have no effect on my relationships generally. I did have a previous partner who absolutely refused to respect that I personally didn’t want to interact with any in my sex life at all which is one of the reasons our relationship didn’t work out. I see no issues with other people enjoying sex toys for themselves, but I opt out.

  10. I only see my partner once a week, he is well endowed, and I have issues with muscle tightness and my perineum growing back, so without sex toys, vibrators specifically, we literally can’t stick it in. I need to prep my body, and this has been true for me in every relationship I’ve had, particularly if it’s a long distance relationship or a relationship where I do not see the person as often, and therefore cannot prep my body by just having sex with them more often.

    He is very happy going down on me forever, and I enjoy that too, however eventually I like to actually have penetrative sex with my partner and connect in that way, as well as make him orgasm too, and he does not like to receive oral sex. I am very grateful that there are vibrators that are more comfortable and designed for the female body, and I’m hoping that there are more and more improvements in that regard as time goes on, as I have never found one that I can truly say is ideal for me.

  11. I have never felt a need for them. I feel like my husband was created specifically to satisfy me lol, and I just can’t imagine how a toy could do a better job or contribute anything when I’m perfectly satisfied already.

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