I (22F) met another woman (31F) at a local lounge/club place on Saturday and she lives within walking distance, so she invited me over yesterday as we both had the day off. We hooked up and got dinner and started watching TV when I noticed she was asleep.

I was trying not be to hurt about it but I kept asking did she want me to just go home. She said no and put on a movie on Netflix and was around for about the first half cuddling with me, then started nodding off. I assumed she just needed a catnap or something (I’d gotten there at 2:30 pm, it was only 8:50 at this point) so I left her alone thinking she’d be “back online” in a little bit.

She woke up another time to put something else on and I thought that was her getting back up, but she fell back asleep on the couch leaned on me. Trying to nudge her and/or plant light kisses got 0 response. So I watched 1.5 movies alone on someone else’s couch. She woke up and pulled me in but the damage was already done, I was company and made to feel ignored after giving up my off day to spend it with her. It wasn’t even 9 pm and I can’t fathom why you’d be sleepy when you practically did nothing all day, but it’s a trash feeling nonetheless. I said “It’d have been nice to actually watch these *with* you” when she woke back up and asked how the films were.

I ended up changing my clothes and leaving out of the garage. She was apologizing profusely while walking to the car and then did it again through text around 1 am. I’m both so offended but feel like I’m making it more than what it is, which is confusing me quite deeply.

  1. wow. hooked up, got dinner, watched netflix on the couch and nodded off. that sounds like a perfect chill date to me. my gf often will lay on my couch with her legs on my lap and nap while i watch tv. i dont mind at all.

  2. What a fucking crybaby.

    “Oh, an older woman already ate dinner with me and fucked me, and she dares to be *tired?!* **I AM SO OFFENDED!!”**

  3. You’re too young for her. She didn’t do anything wrong (maybe a bit creepy she hooked up with someone so young), but I saw the ages and it made sense lol. You’re making this about you when it had nothing to do with you, but it’s not really your fault it’s just a symptom of being 22.

  4. This is kinda weird. This went really well and your upset that she was tried at 8:50pm? I think should have tried to just relaxed and fallen asleep too.
    This is a weird thing to be upset about

  5. Huh, my ex was similar to you getting mad whenever I fell asleep because she wanted constant attention. Guess how that ended.

    Bro, just relax it’s not big deal. Yall already had a good time with sex and everything. The fact you were so offended while she was being vulnerable enough to literally sleep next to a stranger is huge red flag behavior 🚩

    Feeling tired at 9pm is entirely normal, i know it’s weird for a 22 y/o staying up until 6am but it is when you mature

  6. I mean if the hook up was any good I can fall asleep at 2:00pm 😂. I don’t understand the issue at all but I’m 33 and a nap sounds as good if not better than sex.

    Also I don’t understand the part about the changing your clothes and leaving through the garage bit?

  7. Listen, I’m 36F and when my 2 gfs invite me over to veg out and chill, we both knock out, wake up, laugh, eat and then knock out again. I do that ^ with my male friend as well. Not once did my girlfriends or my guy friend get mad. It’s still spending time together. The fact that she was so comfortable enough to “nod” off with a stranger in her house and didn’t tell you to leave means she feels a vibe. When you start hanging out or dating older woman, be prepared to have this ^^ happen often. Good luck to you bro.

  8. Falling asleep at 8:50 is pretty normal for me (29F) so I don’t think she was trying to be rude or anything. She just saw this as a much more casual hang out while you expected to be courted. The age difference stands out to me in this case where dating may be more exciting for a 22 year old. At a certain age it’s not as peachy and you tend to want comfort more than anything. Plenty of women would find it sweet and lovely to spend a date napping together and feeling safe. It’s okay to communicate your offense though and let her know you aren’t interested anymore.

  9. This is like a perfect date for me, I would honestly fall asleep as well if it’s that chill. I don’t mind a lazy date and just coeexsting in a space together. But I’m a male so it might be different

  10. you’re tripping dawg. you need to take some time and examine those feelings so you can not be controlling or it’ll affect other relationships.

  11. When I was in my early 20’s someone going to sleep that early would have been annoying to me too but being in my 30’s now, I completely understand being exhausted by 9pm😂

    She probably should have just said she was tired after she fell asleep the first time and you could have left or you could have just woken her up at any point and said that you were going to head home.

  12. Short answer, she’s in her 30’s lol. When I was in my 20’s that would have annoyed me as well, now at 43 that sounds lovely lol.

  13. She’s much older so she gets way more tired then you do. I wouldn’t take it personal. People fall asleep after sex and food pretty often. The fact you got so upset over someone falling asleep shows your age difference. Date someone closer to your age and you’ll notice way better compatibility. I’ve dated 9-11 years older ALOT and they always were way more sleepy then me lol

  14. When you’re tired, you’re tired. Sometimes, tiredness catches you up. I’ve fallen asleep on the couch on a video date night (showing my age) long weeks at work caught up with me. Don’t take it personally. We dated for 2 years after that. I think that was a 3rd date as well.

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