Women who have given your ex a second or even third chance, did it work? How did it go?

  1. I gave my ex 2-3 chances. It never changed but he would do enough to bandage the relationship for a bit longer. In the end, we grew into different people.

  2. I didn’t give my ex another chance, but I recently saw them for the first time in 5+ years and what’s funny is that he hasn’t changed. Everything that was an issue in our relationship is still an issue, and he was still treating his current partner exactly how he had treated me and all his other exes.

  3. I gave my first boyfriend a second chance after he cheated. It didn’t last long until I changed my mind. I think because he started telling me how his family hated ME. Because HE was depressed after HE CHEATED!!! Broke up again for good.

    My second boyfriend we had a volatile on-off relationship. I broke up with him briefly and we reconciled a few hours later after talking. We were two people who did not want to be in a relationship but also didn’t want to not be together. It was rough. But then it was pretty smooth sailing until we had a major breakup. Got back together a few months later. He proposed marriage about a year later. Still together with two kids about 7 years after the major break up.

    No one knows the intricacies of a relationship more than the actual people. Our issues could be worked on in a healthy way and none of the issues were clear cut dealbreakers. I would never advocate someone to automatically get back together with an ex just because you’ve been together for X number of years.

    Sunk cost fallacy exists and personally I’d rather have “wasted” a few years with someone who wasn’t right for me compared to being miserable with them for the rest of my life. 🌼

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