How do you handle having a crush on a close friend?

  1. It’s hard. I think ask yourself if you are willing to lose the potential friendship over a fling or even a relationship. I’ve had a relationship with a women who was a friend and we had a mutual crush. We had a relationship, had great sex, but unfortunately the initial thrill of it all wore off quickly.

    Having a crush on someone is ultimately a fantasy. You are thinking about how great life could be without thinking of the realities of being in a relationship.

  2. It’s thankfully only happened once, when I was young, and I distanced myself from him a bit until my feelings had calmed down. I felt that I wouldn’t be able to move on properly by continuing to see him as usual, as it’d only feed my feelings and turn that crush into something deeper.

  3. Well, if he’s not willing… 😀 I mean, I first try to figure out if he likes me too and if not, I need to distance myself. I can’t stand being around someone I’m super into knowing it’s never gonna be anything more. Then it may get better with time or if I find someone else. If I don’t, unfortunately the friendship is over.

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