I been noticing that my boyfriend is not replying to me at night after 11 pm even though he is online in instgram…it wasn’t only one time it is almost one week now ..even if I publish story in instgram after 11 am he didn’t view it despite him being online on and off .

I feel this is very strange….I know it is wrong to keep watching him like this but u just feel it is strange

During the day he always message and we always text , yesterday we had very nice sex after one month from not seeing each other and he mentioned how he really enjoyed it and before that he mentioned he will take me to gala dinner related to his work.

I feel insecure about this
I read that sometimes instgram online statue is not accurate and I does not show I’d the person is really online….but I don’t know….I don’t want to communicate about this because I feel I don’t have the right to question this

I am insecure sometimes so I don’t want this to impact us .
I have anxious attachment so I feel insecure lots of time but I don’t want to communicate this thing ….i feel talking about this can make relationship complicated and me to look like crazy girlfriend

We been together for one year and 3 months

  1. >I been noticing that my boyfriend is not replying to me at night after 11 pm

    Because… he’s asleep? Just because the app says someone’s online doesn’t mean they actually are. It just means their phone is logged into the app. So it’ll show that even if the phone is locked and not being used.

  2. This is super normal now. People are on there mindlessly scrolling before they fall asleep at night, they’re not on their interacting with each other. Scrolling through social media has basically replaced falling asleep to the TV on.

  3. let the man doomscroll in peace. It is perfectly fine to not talk to you every conscious minute of every day. You both have lives and limited energy. The online status just means that the app is open and logged in, it will update every time the app refreshes in the background.

  4. You sound a bit nutz. He is allowed to be online doing what he wants. You can go down that rabbit hole deeper to see if he is talking to other girls, but you cannot be this crazy at this stage since you lack the evidence.

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