It’s mostly with customer service. I’ll pick up the food and say “thank you” and most of the time they don’t say anything back. I can’t help but put myself in there shoes I would ALWAYS make it a point to say “have a good one” to make them feel like I wasn’t ignoring them. There’s one Asian place I go to and they ALWAYS say that to me, which makes me feel good. I’m Latino and can’t help but think it’s a little racism but idk. Is it okay that it bothers me?

  1. Eh, I’m not in your shoes so I certainly can’t say for sure, but I wouldn’t attribute it to racism unless it’s blatant. I’m a white guy and have a very similar experiences. But with that being said, it’s certainly okay that this still bothers you. My biggest pet peeve is not being acknowledged, so I always try to go out of my way to be as friendly as possible. What seems to be the case is everyone is just indifferent. I don’t think it’s personal, I just think most people probably have other stuff on their mind. Maybe they just aren’t as naturally outgoing, maybe there’s some sort of stress in their personal life. Who really knows?

    Bottom line, you just keep being you. The world needs more friendly faces, even if that means just you and me. Call me a glass half full kinda guy, but Id say thats still a step in the right direction. 🙂

  2. >Is it okay that it bothers me?

    Thats not the question I’d ask myself. Id ask what are the outcomes of being bothered by this?

  3. I’ve noticed that too. A lot of cashiers don’t bother to tell me the total amount either. They just stare at me. It’s a bit unnerving, to be honest.

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