Which amendment has helped you the most in your life?

  1. I think the 1st Amendment is pretty great, but the 3rd Amendment has objectively done the most for me. Whenever those pesky soldiers try to sneak into my house, the copy of the 3rd Amendment I keep posted on my door shoos them away.

  2. I have no idea. It’s kind of like asking a fish if water has been helpful in its life.

  3. The first. Essentially all of them have huge impacts and are very important, but being able to say whatever whenever however I want to say it is the best thing anyone could ask for.

  4. I don’t think I could choose just one of the 27 amendments. 1-10 are basically everyday living for Americans. As a Black person 13,14, and 15 all make 1-10 possible. 21 makes a long day better. 23, 24, and 26 made participating in the American political system possible for me and 19 for my wife and mother.

  5. 14th amendment. Equal rights under law and incorporation of the Bill of Rights against the states.

    First and second amendments don’t mean much if your municipalities and state still get to infringe upon it.

  6. 1st (I’m atheist) and 14th (equal protection, used in many gay rights cases)

  7. All of them. Every one not only helps me, but it helps the people around me. And that makes my life better.

    Just a little salty because women got the right to vote (yeaaaah) but did so and somehow side stepped conscription.

  8. All of them work in consort with one another allowing me to live a relatively free life. Sadly not entirely true for women, for that I hang my head and vow to vote those out of office that contributed to the subjugation of women.

  9. The real take is that the amendments aren’t nearly as appointment as the rest of the document.

  10. The first amendment bar none. It’s essentially the building block for all other amendments.

  11. Jewish, so First. Government can’t require me to be Christian to vote or my child to be baptized for citizenship and services.

  12. I’m black so it can’t just be one. 13th, 14th and 15th. They made me an actual person here with rights! On paper at least.

  13. The 1st for sure. But as a non-white guy, I think the 14th has had a big impact as well.

  14. This is more just a demographic question than anything.

    For white men, it’s one of the Bill of Rights amendments.

    For white women, it’s the 19th.

    For everyone else, it’s one of the Reconstruction amendments (13-15).

  15. Second amendment, an armed population is the only thing that actually proves consent of the governed. If the population doesn’t have guns then the government derives it’s authority from threat of force alone.

  16. The 19th and the 21st. One gave me the right to vote and one gave me the right to drink. I’ve also made heavy use of my 1st Amendment rights.

  17. You know it’s not particularly visible on a day to day basis but I’d say the right to Habeas Corpus and Due Process is pretty useful. Not getting randomly arrested for nothing, denied bail and denied a trial is pretty nice, and really helps make all of our other rights meaningful

  18. Not the second one! 🤪 Maybe the Equal Rights Amendment would have. I guess the 19th amendment so as a woman I can at least try to vote out conservatives.

  19. Thank god the 14th amendment still protected my right to termination when I was raped in the early 2000’s. It’s a tragedy that it no longer does

  20. First amendment for sure. We really take for granted having the right to brazenly and openly shit talk the government

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