What are some of the most “I have lived in a America bubble my entire life and have no idea how the rest of the country works” moments on r/AskAnAmerican?

  1. How can you be both “in an American bubble” and also have no idea how the rest of the country works?

  2. As a desert dweller (and since it’s the summer and we’re getting more)… the “How do you survive in Phoenix?!!?” ones tickle me. Cause there’s usually a corresponding comment about, “Yeah! 115?? Holy shit! It’s only 90 in my insanely humid Gulf/East Coast City!!”

  3. You are asking the wrong people the wrong question. If you want responses about Americans living in an America bubble, you need task non-Americans on a sub that isn’t expressly about Americans.

  4. Living in urban California the demographics are drastically different than in other places in the US. This is especially true when it comes to Asians since they/Asian culture are a lot more well integrated into mainstream culture.

    Also something that’s surprising to a lot of other Latinos else where in the US is that anything other than Mexican and to a very small extent Salvi/Guatemalan/Honduran is non existent in my state (I am exaggerating for the record but my overall point stands).

  5. Anytime you suggest on this subreddit that some given thing might generally be better in a different country.

    And if we’re talking about anything in Europe, you can almost hear the foaming at the mouth.

    And then no matter how much time you’ve spent both in the US and that other country, it’s never enough time or enough travel in the US to make a valid comparison, because you haven’t seen or experienced that one thing the other poster experienced that would obviously tip the summation of your experiences in favor of that thing in the US.

  6. I can’t think of any on this sub, but on a lot of political subs I’ve seen people who fit that description- mainly people from deep blue states that think the South is a third world shithole and that everyone there is a racist redneck. I remember back when Texas had that winter power outage a lot of people were saying gross stuff like “they got what they voted for”

  7. I was taken by surprise biting alcohol in Georgia and Pennsylvania. In Georgia you can’t buy liquor at gas stations and couldn’t buy on Sundays when I moved there.

    I can’t remember exactly what was up with Penn except I had to buy a six pack at a pizza place instead of a corner store

  8. It took me a while to realize I needed to lock up my stuff. In my area, no one locks up anything because if it isn’t yours, you either ask to use it or leave it alone.

  9. I’m pretty aware of my bubble, so I try not to answer questions I know less about… but city folks telling me that SLC needs to conserve water because the Colorado river is drying up comes to mind.

  10. People who have only really been in Northern New England who find out many many large cities have tons of minorities, minority neighborhoods, foreign language speakers (besides a tiny population of French speakers up north), etc.

    There’s a lot of kind of racist Mainers but it is mostly because they have never met whatever group they are talking about.

    It’s not excusable but it’s ignorance most of the time instead of malice.

    (Except of the super racist guy who is traveling around the country to raise money to buy land in northern Maine to make a white supremacist town. He is absolutely malicious).

  11. There was one time I was discussing something about MA, and some guy replied with a rant about how I was excluding his experience as an Arizona resident. And he hadn’t posted in the thread before, let alone mentioned he was from Arizona. Didn’t know him from Adam, he just assumed I’d know he was out there, bitter about people ignoring him.

  12. Looks like this has already been deleted, but I would have recomended reposting anyway with a bit more clear title. I assume you mean to ask about examples where someone lived in a *local* bubble within the US, and assumed the rest of the country was the same, showing their ingorance about life in other parts of the US? Maybe ask, ‘What are examples you’ve seen of Americans in a regional bubble who don’t understand life in other parts of the country?’ or something to that effect.

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