My partner (46F) and me (39M) are locked in a battle that neither of us talk about.

I’ve been with my partner for a year and a half now and there has always been an issue for me that I just ignored, that is until we recently moved in together a few months ago.

This monster hangs the toil paper under…UNDER. Not the correct and civilized way of over.

So every time I use the bathroom I filp it to the over position, just to come back later and find it back in the under position. I quickly fix it and move on.

She has to be aware that I’m doing this, yet we’ve not had a single talk about it. I’m not going to bring it up, and see if she ever does.

I look forward to 60 years of silent toilet paper aggression.

tl;dr Toilet paper goes over not under.

  1. Please have her come to this comment. Now, look away.


  2. *spits out drink* She hangs it UNDER??

    I’d rather someone not bother hanging the roll and just sit it on top of the empty dispenser bar than hang it under. Wtf. Can you guys have separate bathrooms?

  3. If you want to stay in this relationship there’s only one option: install another toilet paper holder and mark them His and Hers. That way you never have to talk about it AND everyone who comes over will know who’s been doing it the wrong way their whole life.

    Although I do like the bidet option!

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