Fellas, what are some differences and things you really like about having female friends compared to guy friends?

  1. You can get some different prespectives on things and that’s about it really. I prefer guy friends in the other aspects.

  2. I can have actual conversation with them which don’t revolve around sports, porn, sleazy TV shows or how many women they have pumped and dumped.

  3. As the saying goes ‘variety is the spice of life’. Different topics are talked about freely between men, women, and folk who might be in-between. There’s plenty of subtle cultural differences between in-groups of largely men, and largely women, and the kinds of things that pass for gossip.

  4. I like trying new foods and restaurants

    she has endless knowledge of all the good food spots !

    my male friends eat tree bark ! so when it comes to food they are useless

  5. I feel like they were always better at cheering me up. Seemed like I had female friends who would go above and beyond when they knew I was down. I’ve always had problems with stress, anxiety and depression. It’s never easy to talk about, but I was never comfortable saying anything about it my male friends. I guess I felt like we’re supposed be tough or some bullshit and deal with our own problems. I always opened up to women. Some I felt like I could talk to about anything and they’d be right there for me. Honestly I always appreciated that and tried to do the same for them when I could.

  6. Female friends and coworkers have usually been down to talk about almost anything and are better conversationalists in general IMO. I’ve worked in offices where 80% of the men were all jock/good Ole boys and couldn’t discuss anything if it wasn’t about golf or football.

    Currently I don’t feel like I have any close female friends that actually check in on me or stay connected. I had a couple friends from work that I used to hang out with but they became distant during covid coincidentally they both were dealing with alot of personal stuff and just stopped responding to me…oh well

  7. I feel some women want the friendship dynamic to be the best for them instead of best for everyone involved. That being said, there are also many who are just fucking great.

  8. In high school back during the 80’s and moved to a new town. BF ended up being a girl and it was great. Like a sister I never had and was able to learn so much about girls from her.

  9. The female perspective. I love listening to relationship stories from the other pov

  10. Lack of competition. In a lot of men-only groups, there’s this subtext of one-upsmanship that can get tiring. Men are much more guarded and often putting on a front (it’s a defense mechanism, tbh). Around women it’s easier to just let go.

    It’s why I’ve always preferred doctors who are women. Easier to talk to on sensitive subjects.

  11. I feel like my girl friends are a lot better about reaching out just to say hi or proactively making plans while my guy friendships would probably wither away if it wasn’t for me (and our mutual female friends) putting in the effort.

  12. I’ve wondered this myself because I almost exclusively make friends with women. There must be a reason. I think maybe it’s that I can be more emotionally open with female friends. Also, there’s some stereotypical dude stuff (sports, for example) that I just don’t care about.

  13. Female friends don’t see me as competition.

    There’s this unwritten….*thing* hardwired into men where we see other men as rivals regardless of how close we are. It has to come from some primitive animal like instinct or something which is why a lot of times you don’t realize it and most guys never consciously act on that…whatever it is.

  14. I don’t have female friends. I am acquainted with some women. My exwives and now girlfriend were & is my female friend. In my experience and for me personally it’s disrespectful to an SO to share that type of familiarity with another woman.

    I’ll add the fact there would be differences between friendships same sex or not is the very reason I don’t engage in them. In that dynamic all the are not equal.

  15. Honestly I’d prefer guy friends, but so far 9/10 guy friends I’ve invested in have been flaky and unreliable. Good dudes but they mostly just reach out when they’re in a pinch. In my experience the average emotional intelligence has been a lot lower. My female friends on the other hand – they are always there for me. They check in on me regularly just to make sure I’m doing ok. They hype me up when I’m feeling down and I try to do the same for them. There are things I can’t talk about as much with them, but at least they’re there to talk at all.

  16. They introduce me to interesting women who by default think I’m worthy because their pal does. Gay male friends do the same, by the way.

  17. So in my experiences, the guy friends I have/had tend to be fun to hang out and do things with, but the conversations tend to be a little more superficial or lacking in depth. I tend to find that with woman I more often have deeper conversations and more personal conversations. They also tend to offer a different perspective on a lot of things which I find valuable.

  18. I can do stuff that would be considered ghey if I did them with guy friends. Like going to fancy restaurants, test driving date spots, doing certain activities like wine and paint stuff, karaoke, etc…

  19. They only try to put do me in things that we’re both trained in. Instead of every damn thing feeling like a competition.

    They also rarely change behavior when another woman walks in.

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