I (31F) matched with this guy (43M) on a dating app in early June and we immediately hit it off. Texted for hours, met in person the day after and it was perfect. Things moved very quickly after that – we saw each other 2-4 days a week after our initial date and he asked to make it official in early July, a month after our first date.

About 2 weeks ago I could tell he was acting a bit differently and he said it was due to stress with work and finances but not to worry about it. I tried to give him adequate space to focus on work, but I could tell things weren’t improving. So last week, roughly just 7 weeks after we started dating, he sent me a long text saying we should “put a pause on dating each other for a while” so he can refocus on himself and get himself out of a career/financial rut. He said he was borderline “addicted to me” and it led him to neglect other important areas of his life. He made it clear he wants to work on himself so one day we can pick up where we left off and add me back into his life, and he made it clear he still cares about me and wants to keep in touch. (We’ve met up 3 times since then, once to talk things out in person, once to sleep (just sleep) together, and once to cuddle and watch tv. We still kiss and hug and he’s still calling me babe…basically still acting like my boyfriend without the same frequency of texts and hang outs.) He said he doesn’t expect me to wait for him, but the thought of losing me forever hurts, and he isn’t going to date anyone else or look for anyone else. I told him I wanted to work through his troubles together, as relationships aren’t always about the good times, but he said it was too early in our relationship to go through stressors like this and he thought it would make things worse in the long run.

We got along so, so well and shared so many of the same values, life goals, and hobbies, down to the smallest things. The sex was incredible, the attraction was off the charts, our attachment styles were the same (anxious), and our communication was great. We seriously felt like the perfect match for each other.

We weren’t together that long but things felt SO real in those several weeks. I’m heartbroken and don’t really know what to do from here. There is no hatred from either sides and we still both care about each other, so I don’t feel like going NC is the answer.

1. Has anyone ever had someone break up with them to get their life in order and get back together?
2. How does one navigate an amicable breakup where there are no hard feelings towards each other and both people still have feelings?

I just feel lost and hopeless and don’t know what to do. Thanks for reading and any insight.

  1. He’s just not into you. “Working on himself” is a bullshit lame excuse. Move on, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.

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