Do people aim to get wasted and throw up on the streets to have fun? Or have one or two drinks to get home safely and have fun? What’s your limit when you are out at a bar or club or party?

  1. When I know I will be coming back alone. I would drink.only one or two..when I know I am with a safe group then I can get wasted 😜

  2. I try not to ever drink tbh but when I did I’d have maybe a couple really. Worst one was probably my best friend’s bachelorette party lol.

  3. There’s always at least one girl in the group that tries to encourage everyone to get wasted even if that wasn’t their original plan lol

  4. Bar or club just a light buzz. Private party where I know the people occasionally I’ll get drunk but still walking talking fine and no puking.

  5. I am a very practiced and experienced drinker. I drink enough to lose partial control and have a crazy time, but I don’t allow it to get to the stage where I would vomit or pass out. I’m 40 and married, it’s not a good look.

    For me it would be a safe limit to have four or five drinks if it was wine, and six or seven if it was spirits. But like I said, I am a regular drinker so my tolerance is high.

  6. I’ll preface this by saying I’m in my 30s.

    I’d say for an average girl’s night, we all have about two drinks each. It’s usually fun cocktails or rosé. We’ll increase that if we’re on a girl’s trip and plan on letting loose.

    Honestly, the hangover isn’t worth it to us anymore. It takes so much out of you at this age and lasts for approximately 48 hours, depending on how much you drank.

  7. If you black out is definitely too much, otherwise just whatever my personal limit depends on so many factors whether or not I want to drink cause I can drink a whole lot, then people who associate fun with getting wasted aim for that purpose but they’re going to have a harder time to find a replacement and figuring out what fun actually is.

  8. Not once I have been wasted. I only have 1-2 drinks max, rather since over a year have barely had any alcohol.

    If one cannot be aware of surroundings then it is too much, everyone has different limit.

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