What’s the Best feeling you ever had?

  1. The feeling I get when my partner looks at me. Her eyes are always just full of love, even when I’m doing the most mundane things.

    It’s just so amazing to be appreciated so much for just being myself.

  2. That outta no where feeling or a smell that makes you go back in time to being a kid without any worries and feeling happy even if it only lasts for a second.



    Worst feeling: Heartbreak. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone

  3. A couple hours after my first kid was born, holding him in my arms while he slept. That night in that hospital chair was the most comfortable and happiest I have ever been.

  4. Sharing a bed with my gf a night before a relatively early (shitty) work day and both having set the alarm 20 minutes before we gotta get up to spend some (conscious) time just lying there together talking. Never felt more in sync.

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