I was at the mall to buy some clothes and when walking back I felt guilty since a slow couple was walking in front of me and I couldn’t get past them since they were heading in the same direction as my car, and so they kept glancing at me.

  1. I usually just stop walking for a bit and pretend I need to check my phone to let them get ahead. Or I just cross the street if I feel someone may be intimidated by me.

    If someone is just being slow as fuck or just standing in the way I get annoyed and just get past them as quick as I can.

  2. Knock them over and don’t look back.
    Or just relax and go slow.
    If you’re in a hurry say “please excuse me I’m in a rush, sorry” in a gentle voice.

  3. What I have learned is to be a bit more friendly than I would typically be. As I have seen people intimidated by me while wearing some of the most non threatening clothes I could wear. Trying to not be intimidating while walking behind people is a tough one, as there’s not much you can do other than just smile if they look back at you. It depends how you look though, for some people smiling makes them look meaner.

  4. I just ignore people like that.

    It’s not my fault they’ve got a concern, so I’m not going to make it my problem.

  5. I don’t, I’m just minding my own business. if they’re scared of me that’s their problem

  6. I’m 6’5 and don’t give a fuck if I appear intimidating. That’s their own feelings.

  7. I stopped worrying about it. Used to get it all the time in college, and there is really nothing you can do if they have already decided you’re scary. I crossed the street to stop following a lady one time, and that was what made her freak out.

  8. I do something really friendly: I come up close behind them, sniff their hair, and compliment their nice-smelling hair.

  9. Me appearing intimidating saved my friends from getting stabbed. So I’ll take it for the times it comes in handy

  10. While I feel bad for people who might feel intimidated by me, it is not my responsibility to make strangers feel safe/less threatened by my presence.

  11. For people who can’t seems to mind their own business and worry about my form (6’4”, 285 pounds) coming towards them or walking into the same direction as them, if I pick up on them acting strange, I pull out my phone and run through a rehearsed “conversation” with my wife, telling her, “yes, I’m on my way home and that I didn’t find what I was looking for so I’ll have to go check some other stores some other time.” Then I tell her “I love her” and hang up. 99% of the time, this will put everyone at ease and I usually go on like nothing happened.

    If people still have an issue of not minding their own business after that, they have more of an issue that I am presenting and they were going to act that way regardless. In that case, I just go about my day and leave them in their weird paranoid world.

  12. Mind my own business and generally ignore people. But if I feel bad I just distance myself further or circumvent them.

  13. Not so much with couples but if I am walking at night, I will not walk closely behind a female walking alone. I either walk ahead or slow down or walk to the side. Just common curtesy.

  14. I’m a huge guy and I’m probably overly soft and friendly in public to accommodate for it. I do not recommend this route, it has created some bizarre people pleasing tendencies that I’d rather not have

  15. I’m really tall and people expect to see a face when they turn, instead it’s a chest and it somehow scares them.lol. Doesn’t help when I say “ me smash tiny human “. Haha

  16. Seductively moan just loud enough for only them to hear. If they look back I bite my lip and wink.

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