Fellow men, what do you do to push down and ignore the pain?

  1. I go for runs, try to read the Bible, play video games exclusively with friends, work on photography. You need to exercise… it’s the only thing that basically forces your mind to not be depressed.

  2. Emotional pain? Don’t even acknowledge it’s

    Physical pain? Don’t think about it.

    Walk it off. Take a lap. Works in both cases.

  3. Mental pain, I push things up, heavy things, repeatedly until I’m too tired to think about them.
    Physical pain, if it doesn’t impact my mobility, I just kinda ignore it until it goes away or becomes an actual problem

  4. I don’t have what you’re suffering from. Any pain I have, physically, tends to go away eventually. Emotional pain goes away when you move on and focus on the future.

  5. Just accept it for what it is, and move on. If it’s just pain, then it’s not a big deal at the end of the day.

  6. Financial and physical targets. Set em and keep watching them till you get there. Every step closer takes a huge dose of pain away.

  7. Just use logic I think. Whats done is done and life keeps going. No ones gonna help you so you have to do what makes you happy etc.

  8. You shouldn’t push down or ignore pain. Pain is a signal that there is a disfunction somewhere. If you got into a car accident and broke your leg would you attempt to “ignore the pain” and not go to the hospital? Would you limp everywhere after that? No, you would fix the problem by going to the doctor. Psychological pain is the same.

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking its more manly to ignore the pain, because it’s more manly to deal with the issue. If you push it down, the issue that is causing the pain won’t go away and it will probably return later in some way.

  9. I tell myself “It doesn’t matter” over and over again until I can’t feel anything anymore.

  10. Think of my basketball coach yelling at me that pain is weakness leaving the body. Maybe not the healthiest but it works!

  11. I don’t. I process my feelings and make meaning of them so that I don’t snap someday.

  12. Ignoring pain isn’t the way to go at all. Ignoring anything isn’t the way to go.

    You want to manage it, or it’ll just explode somewhere else in your life.

  13. I play Conkers Bad Fur Day on N64. After popping a couple squirrels noggins I usually feel good

  14. Something I’ve started doing recently that helps is keeping an audio diary. About 3 times a day now I take a break and just speak my mind for 10 minutes into a voice memo on my phone.

  15. Therapy, weed, and bros who can acknowledge and support emotional growth even when it’s awkward or painful

  16. I take two approaches: 1) ignore the ever living fuck out of it and use it as fuel in spite of whoever or whatever is praying on my downfall. 2) take a mental audit of my life. Figure out if the pain is actually permanent/worth investing time and effort into or is it fleeting. If it’s permanent, find ways of suppressing the effect it has on my life as well as see if I can improve on it. If it’s fleeting, I accept that it’s temporary and allow myself to be more patient with myself.

  17. Recognize it for what it is. Assess whether I can do anything about it. If I can, then I deal with it. If I can not, I accept the situation and distract myself with exercise, video games, books, and household projects. Keep busy, idle hands…

  18. This is a good way to develop a mental illness, try instead to locate the source of the pain and ask yourself why it makes you feel that way, try to dissolve the core of that reason and your pain will become less and less by the passing day

  19. Games, Read, Music, Explore abandoned shit, Going on a drive with no destination.Work, for instance. My peers give me such a hard time. but after work is done I have from the time I leave until the time I get home, bout 10 minutes to forget the entire work day. they aint paying me to worry about it at home. so I dont, and by the time I am home I couldnt tell you the first thing that happened at work that day until I walk back in the door the next day. Men cant show pain, they cant show emotional distress. so we push it down and move on, no matter how much it hurts.

    really cuts out on stress.

  20. I accept it as necessary part of the process. Not waste energy fighting it.

    If it’s physical, I eventually get used to it.
    If it’s emotional, I eventually process it.
    Meanwhile, it is.

  21. I can’t. I feel it and let the pain do it’s thing. There’s nothing you can do to escape it.

  22. I don’t, at all. I let it out when it needs to come out. Suppression will kill you or ruin relationships. It all comes out one way or another, either now or later.

  23. I cry alone either in the bathroom or in the dark nobody needs to know not like their gonna care anyways

  24. Don’t ignore pain. Embrace it. Absorb it. Test its edges and find its source, and make whatever changes are needed.

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