Let’s say you wanted to be incredibly conceited and write a self help manual filled with slogans for males based on pieces of wisdom you’ve picked up, what would your slogans be?

Mine would be:

1. Unless you are extremely knowledgeable about how to make debt work to your advantage, debt will force you to do things you don’t want to do and carve years off your lifespan through stress and over work. Avoid it if you can.
2. College is not worth the debt accrued unless you intend to go into a profession and pay off your debt fast. There are plenty of ways to get an education without going to college formerly. Most of the educational resources that you could ever want are online for free anyway. If what you value is the social aspect, take some classes that you can afford to pay for upfront.
3. If you want some idea of what to study that will add value to whatever it is you end up doing for $$ and make your life easier, some understanding of logic & epistemology, media literacy, personal finance, and basic psychology with an emphasis on Cluster B personality disorders will help you out a lot.
4. The Internet is not your friend. The social media companies are stealing your intellectual capital and conditioning you on behalf of shadowy third parties. Internet companies try to addict you into spending all of your time and attention on mindless activities. You will tend to thrive the more you are offline.

Now I’m out of ideas and I only made it to 4. What would yours be?

  1. 1. Work out, every day….it’s mostly for your brain, but the body is a nice side effect.

    2. If you need drugs or drunkenness, you’re not having enough fun without it. Do cooler shit.

    3. Say “no” at least once a day. Say “fuck you” a couple times a month.

    4. Learn how to fight, but try to never fight.

    5. Be your own advocate…sell yourself. You’re worth it.

    6. Money is never worth the price of your soul or happiness.

    7. There are only a few people who really love you for you, instead of what you can do for them. Take care of those people.

    8. Date your wife.

    9. Try to accomplish all the crazy things you ever wanted. Don’t think anything is impossible.

    10. Travel.

    11. Call your mom once a week.

    12. Be awesome.

  2. 1. Don’t die
    2. If you’re going to do something stupid, roll firm first
    3. Family, above all else
    4. Empty it? Fill it up
    5. Fill it up? Empty it.
    6. Take care of your business.
    7. If you ask for help, don’t reject those that try to help.
    8. It’s never to late to learn a new skill.
    9. Failure is part of the learning process.
    10. I’m a dad, it’s my purpose in life to embarrass my children.
    11. Forgive those that have wronged you. Remember those who have disrespected you.
    12. Tell those that you love that you love them, you may not get another chance.

  3. 1. Never take advice from anyone about life rules
    2. Never give anyone advice about life rules

  4. 1. Without your health, you have nothing, protect it.
    2. The debtor is slave to the lender, avoid debt whenever possible.
    3. No one will ever put you first, put your interests above all others.
    4. Never burn any bridges behind you, you may need to retreat, do this in all aspects of life.
    5. Be kind, and polite to everyone no matter their station in life, you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar.
    6. The fastest way to end a friendship is to loan a friend money, if you can afford to give money, good but do not expect repayment.
    7. Expect the worst possible outcome, hope for the best outcome, and you will never be disappointed.
    8. Never borrow money for a fast-deprecating asset, car loans.
    9. Do not dwell too much on the past but remember the lessons that your past has taught you.
    10. Education does not equal intelligence; highly educated people only prove they can memorize information and recall it later on a test.
    11. Most people have things they excel at, a surgeon capable of doing complex operations may not be able to rebuild and engine and vice versa, do not look down on anyone because of their profession.
    12. A penny saved is a penny earned, examine your bills every year or two to see if you can get cheaper insurance, cut electric usage, cheaper phone plan etc.

  5. 1. Do one house chore a day. The rest is bonus.
    2. Drink water.
    3. Eat clean
    4. Take atleast an hour to relax before going to bed
    5. Work out daily
    6. Don’t tell lies
    7. Don’t take your loved ones for granted. Any relationship is a two way street, it takes work and effort.
    8. Don’t judge others if you don’t know their story
    9. Be kind to whom have wrong you, vengeagnce isn’t helpfull
    10. You don’t need to have an opinion about everything
    11. Challenge yourself, mentally and physically
    12. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

  6. If you’re tempted to make an impulsive decision, sleep on it first, then think again in the morning.

  7. 1. Don’t ever for any reason do anything to anyone for any reason ever. No matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you were with, or where you were going, or where you’ve been ever, for any reason whatsoever.

  8. 1. Have fun

    2. Be responsible.

    3. Don’t tolerate bigotry

    4. Be the best person you can be.

    5. Don’t get complacent

    6. Have courage

    [7.](https://7.Call)Talk to your parents if they treated you well

    8. Look out for friends and family

    9. Clean your room

    10. Stay in shape

    11. Get your hours of sleep

    12. Stay alive

  9. 1. A man lives as he pleases, if he needs advice from another man on how to live something… is wrong.
    2. Examine your beliefs and perspectives.
    3. Distrust is needed.
    4. Self help books are a contradiction in terms.
    5. Swallow bitter pills
    6. Reject the sweet wine.
    7. Spend time in nature, touching grass in the local park isn’t enough
    8. Bad friends are worse then no friends.
    9. Be weary of people trying to influence others.
    10. Take risks.
    11. The brighter her light, the darker her shadow.
    12. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE. Even if it takes years.

  10. I’d start with something like:

    1. It’s better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.
    2. Listen more than you speak.
    3. Ask yourself what is the easiest way you could be wrong.
    4. Doing the right thing is never shameful.
    5. Don’t waste your life pretending to be someone you aren’t.
    6. Don’t rely on other people to get things right that are more important to you than to them.

    6 is as far as I got, I was having trouble coming up with any more good ones.

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