tldr: What’s the headspace I can go to to get in the mood? My gf loves it when I get hard against her ass but I can’t seem to do it.

My gf loves it when I get hard against her ass. It makes her feel desired and horny. But for some reason, I’m finding it really hard to get in the mood myself, and I can’t seem to do it. Sometimes when we cuddle I just try to relax and hope things happen down there, but I usually just fall asleep. And if I try to make myself get hard by thinking sexy thoughts, I just get even more flaccid cuz I’m worrying about it too much. So I’m rarely the one who initiates. I don’t have ED (I get hard all the time at random points in the day for some reason, only when I’m not “trying” to) and I’m 23. What am I doing wrong? What’s the headspace I can go to to get in the mood?

  1. I’m confused, are you saying that sometimes you just naturally get hard from spooning your girlfriend but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily horny, and other times you are horny and you try spooning but you can’t get hard?

    As a life long dick owner, you should know by now that dicks have a mind of their own and don’t respond to commands. In fact, just *wanting* to get hard is a great way to not get hard.

    Stop fighting it. When your brain says, “I need to get hard,” say “but it’s ok if I don’t.” *Do* things that are stimulating. Touch her. Rub her body. Have her touch you. *Do things* that are pleasurable, don’t just think things. You know you don’t have ED so you have to have faith in your body that it will respond accordingly.

  2. Go longer between orgasms. If you masturbate, stop masturbating. That’s all I can think of.

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