Guys that have dated a stripper, how did it turn out?

  1. Dated a few and a couple of porn stars. It was fun until it was a disaster. Never again.

  2. I had a buddy that married a stripper…. He killed his step daughter, her, then drove the wrong way down the interstate killing himself and a trucker

  3. She took good care of me and provided all the financial support while I got to be a stay at home dad for all her children from different men.

  4. Honestly I had some of the absolute best chemistry Ive ever had with a person with her. We could talk about anything and everything. She even made sitting in silence next to each other drinking coffee feel like heaven. I know when most people think about it, it always revolves around sex but she was amazing in all aspects of life not just the bedroom or when she worked. It’s been almost 8 years….. The world lost a truly bright spark.

  5. Just keep in mind they make their money by manipulating men. They are professional manipulators.

  6. Contrary to popular belief, it went well. However she had a massive drug addiction and body dysmorphia so theirs that

  7. Terrible. I was about 10 years older and as we got to date 3, 4, 5 I got more backstory. She was a sexual assault survivor stripping to pay her parents mortgage. In the end I just wanted to give the girl coco, a blanket and stuffed animal.

    Got a call about 4 weeks after we stopped talking saying she needed to go to the hospital and needed money for the bill. I said “I’ll give you a ride there…” but she kept harping on the bill. That was the last I heard of her.

    Could of all been a con job, hell if I know, but if even half of what she said was true it would still break my heart. So no more strippers.

  8. I did once, it was never going to go anywhere serious but we had fun and a good time, we even still chat on Facebook every now and then

  9. I mean they’re just people. Though contrary to popular belief I had zero sexual tension the one time I did.

    It did turn into a satisfyinglyong conversation about society. Though then we just left each other go on with our lives.

  10. I went to a strip club with a friend once , the girls hated him and “loved” me even though he was paying a lot for private dances and I was just drinking and looking at tits and ass’s .

    Some of the girls gave me there number and Instagram, one of them called me the next day but nothing came out of any of it and I didn’t expect it to because in the back of my mind I know these women are just doing there jobs of being nice to the costumers of the establishment.

  11. I haven’t personally, but I worked with a strip club so I can give a general educated guess. Never saw one relationship work out. The girl would stop stripping for a few weeks, then she’d be back after they broke up. The guys wouldn’t let them strip after “catching them”, and then the relationship would fall apart because if you chase a stripper… and you catch her…. you end up with a stripper. Trying to change her is like trying to change a leopard’s spots.

  12. As a girl, I haven’t…. I think…. but I did watch a movie that addresses this: Redeeming Love.

    I don’t believe I can “save” a man–even a poor, exploited man such as that, although deep down, I really want to be that “spiritual/psychological savior and heroine” but it’s just hard to believe that’s even possible💔

  13. Always dated hoes, pornstars, and strippers within the time limit of the paid amount. Beyond these category of pussies, I’m a celibate

  14. Buddy of ours dated a stripper. This was 10 years ago. At parties the guys would throw coins at her. Our buddy never caught on, but man it pissed her off.. didn’t last.

  15. The guy looked great gyrating in his thong on stage, but in person, nothing but a burned out hustler looking for a sugar daddy.

  16. There are always exceptions to a rule, but in general sex workers tend to have a lot of head trips that make them not so great dating & relationship material.

    The head trips come from their earlier lives and their jobs.

  17. Years ago, Dated her, had a brass pole in my bedroom, had 2 kids with her ,married her, had 2 more kids with her. She was only a stripper for maybe 3 years. Almost 15 years married and then she cheated and divorce was final last month. Went from stripper to housewife to ho.
    Would not advise it.

  18. Dated one that worked in a no nudity spot because it had alcohol in it, so it was down to the panties and pasties and that’s it. She stayed there for about half the time we were dating because she finished her nursing degree and immediately jumped into that line of work, changed her hair color, changed a few of her piercings and stopped wearing contacts so she only had to wear glasses so she wouldn’t get recognized.

    She was a legitimately good person forced into a shitty situation and worked hard to get out of it. Checked in on her about a year ago, she’s a Nurse Practitioner now, making $60+ an hour.

  19. She left after I had to do a no notice combat deployment down to Panama in 89 thinking I had dumped her. I got back, her apartment was vacant. The other girls at the club told me what happened and they tried to tell her I would be back. A few years later I saw a newspaper article mentioning that she had been convicted of murdering her boyfriend. Dodged a big one there.

  20. It’s wild. I’m married to one. She puts on a whole persona for the club to make money. Then comes home and turns back into her real self. It can be tricky sometimes. Having a newborn means she’s in heels and sexy underwear at work and sweats and nursing bras at home. It’s a very jarring experience (for me) so far but we’re handling well. And the money will definitely be helpful to recover financially from the pregnancy.

  21. Not a lady stripper but a dude stripper… It’s disturbing the number of older women that would kind of somehow require his phone number I know for a fact you did not give it out but they would like message him or DM him on Instagram and if you even sent him text…. It was kind of disturbing relationship only lasted about 2 months not because of anything either of us really did he was just moving to a different country and we’re still kind of friendly at this point but yeah it was just kind of remarkable the amount of sexual harassment older women would subject the poor guy too in his off hours

  22. Absolute worst

    The norm is blatant and guiltless manipulation mixed with ptsd

    No rule is 100% though. I’ve met some who are wonderful people. That old saying about books and covers.

  23. Craved attention so much. I had to turn down about 1/3 of BJs offered. I am talking 5+daily. Also, she loved to bring an extra girl in, but was not attracted to women. I was sex whipped for over a year. I got to cross every sexual act I have dreamed of and several I have not off my bucket list l. If she wasn’t a bipolar a coke addict we would still be together. Also she brought in like 2k a week and threw it at me like I was the stripper.

  24. Strippers are just people. They tend to live a wilder party lifestyle and constantly allowing themselves to be objectified does affect their opinions about men in general, but they can be just as kind and caring as any other woman.

    I dated one for about 8 months and it was great, freaky sex, lots of partying, she had fun friends. In the end, we weren’t a good match, but we left on good terms.

  25. I dated a girl who wasn’t a stripper but she was a bartender/gogo dancer for Coyote Ugly. I’m pretty sure she used me for sex and one expensive dinner. Does that count?

  26. Stayed together for just over a year and we split mutually. Went different directions in life. She quit stripping and I was a lazy 19 year old with no ambition.

    During the relationship? Amazing showing up at Waffle House at 3am with 4 hot girls, knowing one of them was mine. People stared and it was amazing.

  27. One of my girlfriends confessed she was a dominatrix later after we broke up and met to catch up. Don’t think they have any terribly different traits than other girls who haven’t stripped or kicked balls for a living.

  28. This never goes well. My friend started hooking up with one it was all great in the beginning until she realized he made enough to support her.

    She ended up getting pregnant and going all butch feminist. She went from being this cute petite blonde girl to this weird overweight thing I can only describe as billie ellish after to eating wendys for year straight. It was scary.

    He felt so decieved because he thought he was getting this hot girl to ending up with the butch from hell.

    Hes basically hates his life and doesnt know what to do. Last I heard he lost his job and she was trying to scam people through GoFundMe. Literally wrecked his life.

  29. She was beautiful and smart, but didn’t really take other people into account. She made it very clear that I was competing with other men for her attention and I wasn’t really down with that so it didn’t last. Sex was fantastic though.

  30. My best friend took a stripper home one night.

    Met her family the next week. They’re all rich as balls and the daughter was doing it for fun.

    They got married. Have 2 kids, and live on a horse ranch now. THe stripper is now a Rad Tech and my buddy is a Firefighter

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