I’m going to be really honest in this post, please save the lectures about sending nudes as I feel stupid enough already. I met this guy on an app, our conversations turned sexually-charged pretty quick, which I was okay with as it seemed like a possible FWB situation. We started texting, and long story short exchanged a lot of nude pictures and videos (I was careful not to include my face in any of them). I asked at the start of talking if he had a girlfriend, and he said no, but some suspicious text behaviour has lead me to believe maybe that’s not true. Regardless, I think he’s now in the process of ghosting me even though we made plans to meet up a week from now. He hasn’t been responding to my texts quickly, becoming much more dry, etc.

Now that I can see the writing potentially on the wall that I was used for spank bank material and we probably won’t meet up, I feel uncomfortable that he has all of these pictures and videos of me. I completely understand it was dumb to share those in the first place, but we were really hitting it off and he kind of love/compliment bombed me and did seem very charming and respectful so I felt safe to send that stuff to him.

My question is, can I ask him to delete those pictures and videos? I was thinking of sending a text along the lines of “hey, it’s fine if you’re no longer interested, but I would really appreciate it if you deleted any pictures or videos I’ve sent you, and I’ll do the same.” Is this weird/out of line? Is it even worth asking? Is there a better way to ask?

TDLR – sent a possible FWB nudes, he’s now starting to ghost me, can I ask him to delete my nudes?

  1. That’s a cool way to ask, it’s polite and to the point. Obviously there’s a high chance they don’t get deleted even if he says OK… and there’s no way to verify if he’s done so, but you can ask

  2. I mean you can ask and I think the way you worded it is fine but there’s no guarantee that he will even if he says he will. Personally I probably wouldn’t bother. At least there’s laws with some pretty harsh punishments for distributing others nudes and the internet is so full of it I don’t think most people are going to do anything with them anyways.

  3. Honestly, If your face isn’t in the pictures who cares? There are unlimited nude pictures out there already and no one cares about those. What are a few more?

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