Do people who barely go on dates have fewer chances of finding the right person than people who date a lot?

  1. From the people I know irl, I found that the ones with less dating experiences found the right person more often. They didn’t go in with expectations or looking for a person, it just happened because the chemistry just clicked for them naturally (sometimes from just chance encounters or from meeting friends of friends).

  2. It is more like that you do not settle for less.

    So you will naturally date more people if you are more strict with your expectations.

    I am basically doing that now because I settled for less in my last relationship and it did not work out.

  3. Not necessarily, but people that have bigger social circles or regularly meet new people have a better chance than those who stay home and sit with hands in their pockets.

  4. Not necessarily. There is simply too much luck evolved in dating. You can do absolutely nothing to actively date, and still randomly bump into the love of your life somewhere within your social circle or at work or at uni. At the same time you can go on lots of dates and have lots of short relationships never actually finding the right person.

  5. Depends on the person and their situation. Some people have luck with meeting the right person early and sticking to the relationship, others meet date a lot more and end up meeting the right person later on after the standards change from bad experiences. A lot of uncontrollable factors can come I play for why someone can take longer to meet the right person: looks, finances, race, sexual orientation, etc. You meet the right person when they like and accept you for who you are, and that happens more when you not only know what you’re looking for in a relationship but you also have social skills, and can recognize behavior patterns to have a higher chance in meeting the right person.

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