Been watching videos and shorts about women ranting that men are afraid of commitment. Hmmm.

So, we now live in a world where ghosting has become an accepted norm for people to end relationships. No matter the depth of that relationship. And women are the biggest users of this tactic by far. And women are more likely to break the relationship. And they are more likely to invoke frivolous reasons (because Barbie??). And now men are being coached, by women, to just move on and get over it.

Well ok. But why do women expect boys and men growing up in a such a world to develop a sense of commitment toward them?

  1. > And women are the biggest users of this tactic by far. And women are more likely to break the relationship. And they are more likely to invoke frivolous reasons (because Barbie??).

    Where are you getting these ideas from?

    >But why do women expect boys and men growing up in a such a world to develop a sense of commitment toward them?

    Sounds like a false dilemma we have going on here. Women despite all this can and are loyal to their partners. And so are men. So I’m not seeing what the issue is.

    Also this whole “Us v Them” attitude isn’t helping us at all.

  2. Oof… I don’t know where you get your info on relationships, but there is a lot to unpack here. A lot of blanket statements, assumptions, and projection… You should talk with a therapist.

  3. I’m certain you’re views are just a reflection of these ‘videos and shorts’ you are watching. This does not reflect the vast majority of relationships nor does it represent society as a whole. Don’t plague your view of the world from a tiny sample of dysfunctional people.

  4. Because it Benefits them…

    Everything you said and every question is answered by their own Benefit. But I’m sure to want someone that benefits you in some way so it’s not all 1-sided here. This comes out as bitterness, if you want any benifits from a relationship you need to have something to offer equally.

  5. You are going to have to stop watching garbage video clips if you want to have a true understanding of what’s happening in the real world.

    Ghosting is a problem.

    Lack of commitment is a problem.

    These areas can overlap but don’t necessarily have to.

    Generalizing isn’t going to help you.

  6. He’s right, even women who are not qualified for commitment expect commitment it’s actually insane and this why most women will end up single. They truly don’t understand what it takes to stay in a committed relationship with a man, they leave and hop on another dick once things get tough.

    This is why men are afraid of committing to most women long term.

  7. I don’t expect any man do to anything. Except be honest with me

    Don’t want a commitment? Fine. You dont have to. But don’t lie to me about it to get sex.

    I don’t want to date you if you just want sex. And that’s my right.

  8. I don’t expect anything I just simply date men who want a relationship and want to commit. If they don’t want to commit then I don’t date them. But you do realize women can say the same thing. I see a lot of men treating women like shit leaving them because there might be someone better or for reasons they can’t even control like men leaving a woman for getting old. And quite frankly alot of men aren’t worth committing to. However I want to commit but to a man who’s worth being with. So I’m dating around for a good man who’s loyal, I’m attracted to them, is willing to put effort into the relationship, and treats me right. Plus I have faith I’ll find that man one day and it’s going to be well worth it when I do. Not to mention I’m going to treat him so well his mother is going to love me

  9. Women have always wanted comittment. If you really like someone wouldn’t you want them to commit. Tbh you should be flattered.

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