We used to come to the US from the UK occasionally and would spend hundreds of dollars coming home and almost refreshing our wardrobes.
We came back this year and found that the choice has worsened and prices are insane. Everything is at least $100 and we feel like peasants. When we ask workers prices, they look at us.
We saw coats as much as $7000. I have no idea where people are getting the money to afford that.

  1. Amazon happened to US shopping.

    And stupid inflation but if you sae a coat for $7k you were obviously looking at designer. There are plenty of non-designer clothing places for less

  2. Inflation maybe? I don’t know, I’ve noticed prices have gone up over the last five years but not THAT extreme on average.

  3. Where are you shopping? The prices you listed – and the fact you apparently cross the Atlantic regularly – lead me to believe it’s probably somewhere fancier than the average outlet mall. Luxury goods prices inflated considerably during the pandemic, at a greater rate than standard goods. The factors that caused that are all abated by now, but you might be experiencing lingering effects.

  4. Selections at most stores have narrowed due to online shopping, but I have no idea where you’re shopping that coats are $7000. Maybe boutique shops in Manhattan?

  5. You know the cost of living stuff complained about on UK subs? Its happening here too. The one big difference is energy prices.

    As the great Marlo Stanfield once said, “price of the brick is going up”.

    I’m guessing Nordstrom in Times Square is meant to part fools with their money rather than be a typical American shopping experience.

  6. You must be shopping in a luxury brand/designer clothing store. Prices are definitely higher than they used to be but a 7k coat is insane.

  7. Where on the US do you go usually? Might be able to point you to the right direction. But check out outlet stores. You’ll find great deals.

  8. I’ve seen articles about some speculation of a bubble in the luxury goods industry. Online and changes in style and marketing have driven a lot of brands and stores to bankruptcy and the pandemic as well is as other market pressures has resulted in a lot of weird pricing and catalog changes.

  9. Let me get this straight, you’re flying halfway around the globe to shop at luxury retailers, and you’re complaining about the cost?

  10. And if you went to Burberry in London? What would it cost for a pair of underwear or a belt? Who has that much money?

    It’s a question of where you’re shopping, mate.

  11. >I have no idea where people are getting the money to afford that.

    the same place they’re getting the money to travel overseas to spend hundreds of dollars on clothing.

  12. I did a very fast google search and came back with this (these are rough estimates)
    There are approx. this many stores In the US

    350 stores with Nordstrom in the name

    1200 Kohls

    1900 Target

    4600 Wal Mart

    Normal people *do not* shop at Nordstrom, we can’t afford to.

    Average age of a Nordstrom shopper is 43 with yearly income of $300,000.00 (£236,000.00)

  13. >refreshing our wardrobes

    Sounds pretty high class! I probably have T-shirts order than you.

  14. ???? Did you shop with your eyes closed

    You can find decent stuff for cheap easily. Places we would consider more upscale dont even sell 7k coats lol

  15. I think shopping at brick and mortar stores in America is worse for tourists. Some stores stock less variety in comparison to previous years.

    Online shopping seems a better option. If there is an option for local delivery from an American store online then you may want to consider that.

  16. Where in the holy balls are you shopping?

    For serious. I couldn’t find a $7k coat if I set out on a personal mission to do that.

  17. You are in the wrong place to ask this question.

    There are very few people in this subreddit that shop at places that sell $7000 coats.

    The most I’ve ever spent on a coat was $400

  18. If you can afford to fly to the US to go shopping, I think you can afford to shop.

  19. *$7000!?* Where on God Almighty’s Earth have you been shopping? That’s high-end fuck-you money, not something any average American below the top 1% would buy unless they were stupid or dying.

  20. I play a game every time I go into a Nordstrom with someone who has no idea what things cost. It’s called “how much is this shoe?” Right in that front shoe department. SUCH a “holyjesuswhy” 5 minutes

  21. >flies across the pond for the purpose of shopping in the US at an upscale clothing store

    “we feel like peasants”

    As a Rust Belter, fuck off

  22. You really seem to be bumbling through this trip. I suggest doing more research about the places you’re visiting next time. It’s a little silly to go to the most expensive places in the country and then complain that they’re expensive.

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