Im(15m) going into a new school after summer any tips to create a good impression early on?

Note: Im not going to be the new kid, everyone is new to eachother (european school system)

  1. Start by trying your best to be as extraverted as possible. Put all you got into it. Try to remember as many names as you can. Talk to everyone. Once you’re done, move to next step.

    After you’re done assessing who you want to be friends with, make a group. Get a few people you like and make sure you all are compatible and make a group. Try to get as many high value people into your group, you’ll easily identify them, look for the most talkative.

    How? There’s many ways. I’d recommend not trying to hide it. Go around and let everyone know that you just want to get to know everyone. They’ll think you’re just super friendly.

    Making a group won’t be easy. There will be ups and downs. Eventually you might succeed making a friend group. Don’t be sad if it’s small. Find hobbies you all like and go meet outside of school.

    The faster you start hanging out with people outside of school, the cooler you’ll be. Make sure you don’t get trapped into a cycle of not going out because you don’t have friends so you don’t meet friends because you don’t go out. So make sure you make friends fast.

  2. I would say just be nice. Listen to people and ask them questions about themselves (don’t interrogate them). Be excited about what they’re excited about. Overall just be kind that for me really far in higschool.

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