I used to have so much sex drive that I would masturbate almost every day (25F) ever since I was a teen. To cut a long story short, in the first month of my relationship with my boyfriend, he always asked for sex, like every day. More than twice. There are a lot of times that I say no because sometimes I feel like I’ve given too much and sometimes I’m not in the mood, but he’d force me, like he never stops kissing my shoulders or neck or grabbing me by force, until I gave in. Most of the time, I give in just so he stops bothering me. I couldn’t finish any work because, from time to time, he’d come back and ask for sex. No matter how much I tell him that I’m not in the mood, even when I’m on my period, he never stops asking for sex. Sometimes he’d ask me, like verbally, to hand-job or blow-job him just out of the blue. Not even trying to set my mood first. As it went on, I slowly felt like pushing him away. I say no whenever I don’t really want to give it. I slowly feel like I’m just being used as a sexual object. Ive communicated with him that, aside from sex, I also love cuddling or just having deep conversations. I don’t like having sex every day because I don’t want it to lose its value. It’s supposed to be an expression of love, not just to satisfy an urge or horniness. There was even a time when I got so drunk because we had an argument, and he picked me up. He forced me to have sex, and I said no, and I could still remember him pinning me down on the bed, taking my clothes off, and forcing me to kiss him. I cried and begged him to stop because I was not in the mood and because I was so drunk I could puke, but he still went on. I couldn’t push him away because he’s too strong, so I just gave in and cried in the corner to sleep after he came. Although I was drunk and couldn’t walk straight, I could still remember what was happening. What’s worse was when, a few days later, I found out he took a video of me that night. I was clearly out, yet he still continued to molest me. I honestly feel raped. Ever since that time, I have lost interest in sex. I couldn’t get aroused anymore. I have to try so hard and prepare myself the whole day, even just to get into the mood, because he’d make me feel guilty for not having sex. He’d tell me, “It’s been 3 days since we’ve had sex,” or even “you’re supposed to do your girlfriend duties,” and I told him exactly “Those actions and words really turned me off, and that I’m really having problems with my sexual drive, and maybe my hormones are off”. I even asked him to maybe buy a libido booster for me so I could catch up with his sex drive. I still love him and want to be with him, but I’m getting frustrated that I can’t get wet or aroused anymore. I can’t even think of sex anymore until I force myself to think about it. I can’t even get wet thinking about it. I don’t get attracted to men anymore, even if they’re hot. I miss being horny almost every day. I miss getting wet so easily. I just want it back.

  1. This is called a rape.
    You need to go to the authorities and you need to get therapy.

  2. Sweetheart I’m so sorry but you got raped and suffered a violation of your intimacy (that wasn’t consented) when he filmed you. I don’t think your libido is gone, you just went through a big trauma that you aren’t acknowledging. Take your time, find a good therapist and even if you love him your relationship didn’t sound healthy, looks like he coerced you to have sex multiple times, and then raped you. It looks like he is kinda violent so I recommend you to get a copy of that awful video and keep it so you can report to authorities bc you may need a restraining order. Either way I’m so sorry you went through that and I hope you heal and realize what a crap of person he is.

  3. What you’re describing is that you dont feel safe, and your trust in him has been so severely violated that you’ve lost your sexual desire for him.

    You keep talking about all the ways to try to fix yourself to be what he wants. That will never happen and you dont need to be fixed. He has boundary issues and whats wrong is he is constantly violating your boundaries and your body. Your urge to have sex wont overcome your need to be treated with respect.

    Again, the issue is he has thoroughly destroyed trust and comfort between the too of you. This has destroyed your desire for sex. I dont know how he would go about rebuilding trust, particularly when you’re not articulating that he has any desire to or even acknowledges he did anything wrong when he raped you and filmed your naked body with out consent.

  4. Took advantage?
    Took advantage?

    RAPED! Your boyfriend forcibly raped you.

    Once again I find myself praying this is a rage bait troll post.

    If it is not you need to contact the authorities, file charges and leave this predator!

  5. It was so difficult to read this… so sorry, but he raped you. No is no, no matter if he’s a stranger, a boyfriend, or a husband. Coercion is also rape, because you’ve been coerced to do something you didn’t want to. Please talk to a therapist or someone that can help you and leave him. You’ll have more clarity about this when time passes

  6. Please go to the police and stay away from him. Nothing from your post about him point to a loving relationship. There is no such a thing as girlfriend duties.
    He rape you. Not only once and it will not be the last time. Please leave this relationship

  7. Jesus. I hope this post is fake.

    If not you need to go to police and end this abuse.

  8. You need to get away from this guy like yesterday. He raped you. He’s a rapist

  9. Smmfh the bad ones always mess up the good ones. I’m sorry this happened to you boo. Now get far away from him cause it’s not gonna stop I’m afraid

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