long story short, me and my bf have been together for a year but on and off. the reason why bc of how many times he has ended things, i counted it. 7 times. Obviously, he came back each and every time apologizing and trying to mend things. I let him each time bc of how much i love him. recently he broke up with me because he got
mad at me for drinking with my cousins, that was my last straw. So i decided to let him
stand on it and try to let him go. he came back and automatically assumed we were back together since he apologized but i kept telling him that i want a break and some
time to myself. I wanted to be friends for now but i don’t think he took me seriously and i went to see someone i was talking to while we broken up we kissed and stuff but i feel guilty. i caved in and we’re back together.

TL:DR- did i cheat on my on and off boyfriend ?

  1. Based on your story I would say NO, you did not cheat. I would also suggest running away from this ex-bf dude. He is not worth your time and will continue to play these games forever.

  2. You guys are young, but you’re not **that** young. Your (ex) BF has broken up with you seven times in 12 months. Just let him go.

    Kiss and make out with whomever you want.

    Best of luck.

  3. Nope it was over that’s it. But it seems like a toxic relationship ngl, i would just cut him out

  4. No you didn’t cheat. But I’d drop this relationship. There’s no commitment anyway

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