What are the steps of your “everything” shower/bath?

  1. 1) Pour Bath (hot af) & put on audiobook
    2) Add in bath bomb + light candles
    3) Wash hair (sometimes twice I’d I’m feeling froggy)
    4) Put in conditioner
    5) Put on facemask
    6) Body wash + exfoliate
    7) Shave what I feel like shaving
    8) Relax for an unjudged amount of time
    9) Rinse out conditioner + wash face (remove facemask)
    10) Get out
    11) Dunk myself in a body of lotion

    That’s it I think 😂

  2. Shower:
    •Condition hair
    •wash body
    •wash hair
    •wash face
    Then I do my skincare routine

    •run bath way too hot
    •add Epsom salt
    •soak for 30 mins
    •rinse off
    •skin care routine & pedicure when done

  3. 1. Shower for like 10-15 minutes and just enjoy burning alive in my boiling hot water
    2. Apply shampoo and rinse, once or twice
    3. Apply hair mask and/or colour bomb, let it sit for 20-40 minutes
    4. Wash/scrub my body and check my phone meanwhile, if I get bored I just exit and go do something else
    5. Rinse hair mask
    6. Apply conditioner, let it sit for 5 minutes
    7. Wash and exfoliate face, shave wherever if needed
    8. Rinse conditioner
    9. Done

    If I take a bath I’ll just soak with some bubbles or a bath bomb for 1-1,5 hours before doing the shower routine.

  4. Wash my hair and let conditioner sit in it during my continued efforts to boil myself alive, sometimes with Epsom salts and baking soda. Shave, rinse.

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