What do you think about using plastic plants as a home interior decoration?

  1. I find it a bit insulting to the planet to use fossil fuels in place of actual plants. Seems the epitome of waste.

  2. 100% do not care. I don’t currently have any, but I probably will in the future. I have a few spots where I’d like to place a plant or flowers that just aren’t conducive to living ones.

    As far as I’m concerned, people are welcome to have as many real or fake plants as their hearts desire. I’m not going to be all judgy about someone’s choice of faux plants to decorate inside their own home. That’s their oasis to do with as they like.

  3. I have plenty fake plans due to my cat. I like them, they look really nice and they obviously don’t need much work other than an occasional dusting. Some of them tend to look “too fake” and tacky but it’s just about finding the right ones.

  4. People can do what they like. I think they can look pretty. I have some plastic and some real ones.

  5. We have them in our house. Not only do they look good (when you buy nice ones) and require zero effort, but we have cats that will get sick if they eat live plants so we go the fake plant route.

  6. Unless they’re part of some sort of intentionally campy aesthetic or something, no. Having no plants at all is generally better than having plastic ones in a home.

  7. I would only have plastic plants if the high-quality ones weren’t so damn expensive. Had my eyes on one of those tall ones that looked so realistic, but it was like $400. 🙁

    I think it’s a genuine confidence-killer when a real plant dies, I feel so fucking bad having spent so much time and effort on caring for something that just dies like that. I’m also terrified of bugs, so not having to deal with the risk of dealing with those is a plus too.

  8. You do you. Keep an eye out for natural looking ones since they’re pretty easy to find.

  9. Don’t care. Plants can be annoying and not everyone has the space, proper sun exposure, or time to care for plants. How someone decorates their own home isn’t my business.

  10. Doesn’t matter to me. If you like it, you like it. Sometimes the consistency of how it’s structured can help lighten an area in a room and make it look better. We have real plants in my house, but they’re mostly just aloe vera. My sister, on the other hand, all of her plants are Lego plants. I personally don’t care. It doesn’t change how I see her space. Whatever makes her space feel like a home to her.

  11. We can’t keep real plants in our house because the cat would try to eat them. But I also wouldn’t bring plastic plants into the house either, because that idiot also loves to eat plastic.

  12. Perfect. I can’t keep an inside plant alive to save my life. I’ve even killed aloe and a cactus before.

  13. I have a few vases with fake flowers. They’re very pretty and my cats won’t eat them.

  14. I prefer real ones in my home, but I still think the plastic ones look nice if they are high quality

  15. I don’t like them because it’s just another surface to collect dust, and I also think it’s tacky. I prefer real plants.

  16. Great because some of those big plants can be pricey and I always end up killing em 😭Also I wouldnt worry about my pet eating them

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