So I (28f) met someone (33m) a little over a week ago and we hit it off immediately. We have so much to talk about that we stay up way too late bc we’re enjoying each other too much. This has a slightly negative impact on us because we are both exhausted the next day lol

He slept over a few times before we were intimate and then once we were it was electric. The thing is we’re both really busy with work and school – which I find to be a good match. We understand each other’s ambition and drive and support it. We communicate clearly and it just clicks.

He is leaving for the summer to go back home. Hell be gone longer than he’s known me so how can I expect this to work out? How should I proceed? We’ve spoken about not being intimate with anyone else as there isn’t a need and we both aren’t like that. Also we’ve admitted that we are both into eachother.

We both are out of a long term relationship as of December. He mentioned he is a little guarded and is hesitant to jump into anything too serious too soon. I’m not in a rush but I do feel unsure what to make about the summer. 2.5 months isn’t thatttt long. But I am really into him !

Any and all advice is welcome. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. Find a way to take a vacation to see him, halfway through the separation. If he’s gone two and a half months, try to visit him for a week after he’s been gone about six weeks.

    I realize you’re very busy. I’m saying, make it work, if you can.

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