I’m talking in a sense of hook ups not relationships

  1. Just being young and attractive is not enough. It might help, but not as much as listening, communicating, doing little things like making a meal she mentioned was her favorite. Or listening to, understanding, and respecting her quirks and the specific way she does things.

    Granted, this is good advice for women of any age. But similar to older men, appearances matter less than personality and level of comfort.

    If you’re asking for NSFW tips – got some of those too, but this post is not marked NSFW (yet).

    Older women are amazing. I love(d) them. But there’s definitely a nuanced approach that doesn’t resonate as well with women your own age or younger.

  2. Be young and exiting enough to draw them in, but not so young and exiting that they see you as a child.

  3. If she’s already interested in you just keep being you, as another poster said, she knows what she wants so just go with it.

  4. Be attractive. Not just physical, mentally as well. Be educated on several topics so there is always something to talk about

  5. Be confident and honest. Older women hate a liar. At least, that’s my experience from listening to them talk about their ex’s.

  6. Be able to hold a conversation. It’s so rare!! Often, it’s as simple as when asked a question, respond, and then ask a question yourself. Volley back and forth, it sounds sophomoric, I know, but you’d be surprised how often guys have an opening question and then from there on out respond but never volley back….. but then ask why you’re not engaging with them. It’s because I’m tired of propping up the convo.

  7. Great personal hygiene, don’t try to run a game. If you just want sex, be upfront about it.

  8. Always act as and talk like a lover, not a friend. Definitely don’t like try to act like a boyfriend either

  9. You’ve received great advice here. One thing for certain … don’t play stupid relationship games with an older woman. She won’t tolerate it and you’ll find yourself single in no time.

  10. Don’t waste her time. Be upfront and communicate. Stupid games like, “wait a day to text back”, will make her lose interest quickly. Also, overusage of emojis is weird for a lot of 40 something and older women.

  11. Show them the level of desire you’d show a younger woman, and take the lead unless she does so instead. That’s it really.

  12. From my experience it all boils down to how understanding you are, whether your are listening and communicating properly, or doing small stuff which makes them happy. You got to understand that older woman want some maturity a bit of flamboyance and confidence. So you need to check the basic boxes first.

  13. Be respectful! I’m F52 and I simply won’t put up with any attitude. Older women have soooo many options.

    It’s weird and almost amusing when a younger guy immediately tries to be dominant in the early days of meeting on the apps. Bitch please. I won’t call you daddy. No, I don’t wanna “just suck your cock the first time”. I won’t fill your porn library with my pix. Don’t say you’re gonna be the best sex I’ve ever had.

    Understand that older women have already had amazing lovers, and we’ve been in love. We’ve had a lifetime of experiences in the world. We are respected at work and in life.

    Your best bet with me is to be sweet and respectful. Show me that you care about me. Just be a good human

  14. I (F) don’t understand at all what younger men see in older women. Since I live in Paris, I am almost exclusively approached by men who are at least 10-15 years younger. I have never responded to their advances because I truly don’t understand why they would want this. A younger woman is more attractive, while an older woman already has children and a past. The life stages are too different…

  15. You remember their name, you let them speak and probably the biggest thing is showing my legs at least for me. In my job most of my customers are older women and they love my shorter than average shorts. They get sad in end of December when switch to pants and they get all wet in the spring when I bring the shorts back out

  16. I married a woman 8 years older than me.

    Be confident. Don’t be a lazy bum. Be a partner, not another kid for her. Make sure she is satisfied with her needs. Accept that you’ll have differences and embrace those. It’s ok to talk about how she grew up versus how you grew up.

    Try not to remind her that you were in middle school when she was in college, lol. Be her greatest fan!

  17. Games won’t work. Be personable, confident but not cocky/arrogant. Listen and have conversation but make your attraction clear. And always remember, You do not pick up an older woman for a hook up, they pick you up, you just have to make yourself worthy of their blessing. And believe me, you want to be worthy.

  18. Go be straight up and honest with them. Tell them you find them attractive and would like to know if she would consider going out with you. Either answer she gives she still is flattered. You might be surprised.

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