I’ve (30, female) never had a father. He left before i was born and passed away when i was five. I wonder how different i would’ve been with a father figure in my life and what wisdoms i would’ve learned from him. What would really be important for you to learn to your daughter? I’m asking fathers and man without children, i’m really curious.

  1. How to stand up for herself and not let other people’s words hurt her. Basically emotional strength.

  2. Car maintenance, at least some. It’s crazy how people have these crazy expensive machines that they depend on every day but some of them have no idea how to do basic maintenance or even emergency stuff. Plugging a tire saved me so many times and I wish my dad had taught me.

  3. There is absolutely nothing you can do to convince an average man to marry you that isn’t ready to get married. Doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. If he’s the one you want, it’s more about being available to him when he is ready rather then trying to become some version of a woman that you think will make him ready.

  4. That being a man isn’t being the biggest or the most aggressive person, it’s about being good to those around you and fulfilling your responsibilities.

  5. Courage. Moms tend to be more protective than fathers so it’s usually a fathers job to let her climb trees and ride fast on their bikes etc. Men tend to balance out the protective nature of moms while still keeping an eye on relative safety.

  6. How to discern who is a good man versus who is a scrub she shouldnt waste her time with.

  7. If you want to find the right person make sure you first become the right person.

    Do not demand from others things that you yourself do not fulfill.

    Do not surround yourself with people whose morals are based on the law, many atrocious things were legal on the past.

    Do not get fooled by moralists, many lies lie behind good intentions.

    Most things you know to be true are false. Thats the second meaning of the famous phrase “i know that i know nothing”, if you have the will to learn you will understand that many of the things that you believed to be true were false, and many of the things you believe to be true will be false, therefore you know nothing.

    Do not get fooled by older men, they arent way more mature, they just got better at fooling women. Hang out with people close to your age.

    If you dont know something, ask, its better to be an idiot for five minutes than an idiot for life.

    And many others. That said Im childless, but If one day I had kids I would like to teach them everything I know

  8. I would prefer to raise her in such a way that she does not resemble the character of most of the women who surround me. She would read a lot of books, she would listen to complex music, she would respect intelligence in men, not wallet or service. She would not consider herself a superior being compared to men. She wouldn’t be a **femin**ist, she would be an **equal**ist. She would not suffer from the paranoia common among women against harmless and kind men, as is customary.

  9. Focus on finding the right man. Focus on the important stuff. If you find the right man he can give you everything you need in life and help you with whatever it is you want to do. So find a guy that loves you for you, is kind, smart, strong etc good traits that are important for you to feel fulfilled, safe, happy, protected etc. Money shouldnt be an issue when you are 2 people that love eachother living together. So if you find the right man it will literally give you everything you could want in life.

    Just dont throw away many years with someone thats not the one, you should know within months if someone is worth spending the rest of your life with, and if nothing escalates after years then wth is going on, ask him why he hasnt married you or had children with you yet because there is probably a reason like you not pitching in enough, not being mature enough, not cooperating etc. Hope you take this to heart and dont shit on it 🙂

  10. I am doing my best to love the heck outta my little girl and to teach her that she has more to offer the world with what’s between her ears vs what’s between her legs.

    My daughter is blessed with tremendous beauty. But if she becomes yet another narcissistic halfwit twit trying to skate by on her looks in life, it would represent my greatest failure.

    Fortunately she is also blessed with tremendous intelligence and it is that angle that I try to nurture and help develop. So far so good but she’s still very young with a long way to go. I’ll walk every step I can right along with her!

  11. Basic skills around the house (cooking, cleaning, know how to unclog a toilet or sink), car maintenance (check the oil, fluids, how to change a tire), the basics of finance and investing, when you’re dating – know your worth and don’t settle.

  12. How to recognize when she’s wrong or she’s the cause of her own problems.

    Too many adult women don’t have any self awareness or self accountability.

  13. If it sounds to good to be true. It’s time to start looking for red flags.you don’t want to find yourself in a sex cult

  14. I tell my daughter the world needs smart people. Never be embarrassed at how smart she is.

    And I taught her martial arts and self defense.

  15. The quote from Jean-Luc Picard “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.”

    That is something I wish I learnt at a far younger age than I did.

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